What's the worst that I can say? Things are better if I stay

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Tw: Minor physical violence (only to meanies), arguing, manipulation

"Moving? They're moving?? And we don't know where??" Remy cracked up into a fake smile "Great! SO Remus IS fucking DEad! Great!" 

Deceit winced at their words. He hugged his plush snake and burried his head into it's fluff to keep their words out.

Remy was standing in the middle of the living room of Logan's apartment. They kept pacing back and forth across the floor while Lo and Janus sat on the couch looking at them. It'd been a day since the nerd gone to Patton's apartment and he'd called the enby over to tell them about what he'd found out.

"Don't say that" Logan replied while patting Janus' shoulder.

"It's true!" They exclaimed.

He pinched the bridge of his nose "Well you don't have to say it that clearly" He motioned to Janus who was biting off the skin of his lip while staring out into thin air.

He suddenly noticed the other two looking at him and quickly lied "No no I'm perfectly fine. I am as affected by this conversation as if we had been talking about the infrastructure in Guatemala" 

"Breathe" Logan reminded him in a calm voice when he noticed how he seemed to be holding his breath.

"If I wasn't breathing I would be dead so darling I am quite sure I am breathing fairly well" He nearly hissed out.

Remy took on their leather jacker and fixed their sunglasses  "So gals if you two are done with that I'm gonna go get Remus out of that hellhole and i'mma do it even if I have to drag him out with my fucking teeth"

"That could lead to him being more hurt" Janus mumbled while dragging in the tail of the plush snake.

"Oh really? Or is that just your sick brain telling you that staying with Patton is a good thing!" Remy yelled out while keeping up their fake smile. 

Janus covered his ears and stared down into the ground. He quietly mumbled no over and over to himself.

"That's enough from you" Logan bit out.

"No bitch! I've had enough of all of us knowing that our friend is being hurt and not doing anything about it just because Dede is all sensitive about it!"

"It's more than just being sensitive! It can legitimately haver serious lasting effects on his health. I don't want J being hurt just as much as I don't want Remus being hurt" Logan replied in a much louder tone than usual.

"I just love it so much when people talk about me as if I'm not there" Janus muttered.

"Well I can't leave him there! I love him!"

Remy clasped their hands over their mouth as they realized what they'd said. Both Logan and Janus looked at them with shocked expressions. 

"I-I mean platonically of course" They stuttered out the lie "He's my best friend"

Janus clasped his hands together before standing up. He brushed past them while saying "Fine, I'm getting the keys for the car"

..-. --- --- .-.. .. ... .... .-.. --- ...- .

"Wake up cutie!" Patton exclaimed while gently shaking his sleeping boyfriend's shoulder "Today is the last day before we move! Come on come on get up! Isn't this exciting"

Remus opened one of his eyes and peered up at him. He let out a whining sound.

He tilted his head and pouted before saying "What? Do you not want to move? We can get a dog and everything!!!"

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