Back to fluff? Kinda fluff? like a newly trimmed puddle

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Tw: The parts that are in italics like this are Remus' intrusive thoughts which are very graphic and gorey so warning for that. Yes I am aware they're not accurate to how actual intrusive thoughts are, trust me I have them myself but it reads nicer like this

Remus was sitting still on a chair in the kitchen of Remy's apartement. It had been several hours since he left Patton's apartment and he only recently had stopped crying. Logan and Janus had left a while ago. Seeing Jan had only made Remus cry harder so it was for the best if they left. Either way Dee was exhausted after standing up against Patton so he would need a lot of cuddles from Lo and snake plushies.

"Gurl wanna share one of your gory ideas? I know you like talking about them" Remy asked to try and cheer him up. They didn't get answer. They were sitting on the chair on the other side of the table.

They sighed and placed their forehead against the cold surface of the table. No matter what they did nothing seemed to work. If a quiet Remus was a sad Remus how miserable was a mute Remus?

They smiled when they felt a hand pat their head "Thanks hun" They mumbled.

Remy looked up at the clock on the wall and realized it was late, or well not late for them but late for normal people without insomnia. They had an early shift at the coffee shop tomorrow so technically they had to sleep about now.

"Ok Em you got a choose here kay. You can sleep on the couch or on the floor if you for whatever reason want that but my bed is always open and even if you sleep there it doesn't mean we have to cuddle or anything, hell I can take the couch if you want that"

Remus shook his head. He made some noise that was probably supposed to sound grateful before going into the bathroom. He laid down in the bathtub and made himself as small as possible.

"Wait gurl you can't sleep with that" They said pointing at the collar "You're gonna choke or some shit"

They tried to take it off but Remus kept biting their hands and growling. He backed away and put his hands in front of his face. He couldn't take the collar off. Patton would be so mad and it was his only reminder that someone loved him.

"Why won't you take it off?" Remy asked and their volume rose slightly but it was enough.

Remus whined in a pattern so it almost sounded like sorry over and over. He cradled his broken wrist as tears filled his eyes.

"Oh no no it's okay girl, I didn't mean to like...I dunno trigger you? Fuck is that a good word to use. Ehm you can keep the collar on tonight kay? But some day you gotta take it off"

They stood up and tried to give him a reassuring smile. "Well goodnight, sweet dreams"

Remus tried to hymn out the words 'don't let the monsters under the bed bite' but to not surprise it only sounded like nonsense. Instead he tried to smile and he waved back before laying down again and hugging his arms so tightly his knuckles whitened.

Of course Remy didn't sleep. Not just because of the insomnia. The last day, hell the last few weeks had been too much and now they had a mute and traumatized and broken roomate.

It was 2 am and they had been scrolling through social media for who knows how long. The light from the phone made their eyes feel dry somehow. They were close to passing out when he heard quiet steps.

The steps were so quiet and good at being quiet they wondered how many times Remus had had to sneak around. The steps went to the door and the door handle was pulled over and over but it was locked. Remy had made sure of it so he didn't sneak back to Patton.

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