Chapter Eight

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*[What I think the twins, Devon, and Izan would look like, tots adorable]*

Yvonne's P.O.V.

I was so happy for Julie. She finally got a mate. That she had some one to care for and love. I could tell how happy she was, but I knew she'd never admit it.

~~~~~~~FIVE DAYS LATER~~~~~~

We were in the meeting room discussing the reason why Alpha Jaxon, and his pack was here.

We spent the whole week letting all of the new mates from our pack and theirs finish the mating bond.

Which consisted of mates:
-Feeding each other.
-Bathing one another.
-Accepting their mates wolves.
-Accepting each other in human form.
-The blood bond.
-And finally, saying how much you love your mate.

Anyways, all of the Alphas, Betas, Gammas, and Deltas from both packs were gathered in the room. Turns out that Elli's mate is Dj, the Delta for the Silent pack.

Alpha Jaxon cleared his throat, holding hands with Julie, and began, "The reason my pack and I came here is because The Hunters clan, and a few rogue vampires want control over both of our packs. They want to take over the 'Pure's' and use is as they will it. Not only that, do to our packs having 'Pure's' as their Alphas, they have scientists who believe that it has something to do with the genetics in packs that create 'Pure's.' So they plan to use us, as a means to create more Alphas that are like us, or if not, similar to us. Also, there are over five hundred members in the clan, who have all sorts of genetically mutated powers. In order to defeat them all completely, we must be able to use all our powers to its full extent, and be able to not run out of stamina, and energy. All five of us, in order to do this, must train for over a year." Alpha Jaxon, finished his explanation, and looked at us with a grave face.

"So, what your saying is that all of us must have all our powers, or else we have no hope against THEM?" Conner said, doubtful.

The Alpha nodded, "Yes. So we must unit our packs, and train. In one years time, they will come and try to take control of us 'Pure's.' especially Yvonne... their leader will..."

The Alpha cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck.

Brad looked at him with deadly eyes, and asked, "Will what?"

"Their leader will want to mate her... forcefully... And use her as a tool to give birth to his children, and use them for his own greed." The Alpha said, dead serious.

Ash, who was silent the whole time, slammed his fist through the wooden table, and it split in half.

I put a hand on his chest which instantly calmed him. I stared at the Alpha intensely, and said, "I declare our packs united, for we forever, shall be brothers and sisters. The Silent pack is now our ally, as we are yours. May this vow never be severed, and protect each other if we were from the same pack."

All the Alphas in the room repeated the chant, and cut their palms. All hands together, they finished their oath, and I stared back at the Alpha, and calmly asked, "So, dear Jaxon, when shall our packs start training?"

The Alpha smiled, the first time in quite awhile, replied, "Now, of course."

We all nodded, and went outside, to begin the training.



The questions of this chap, please comment, and answer:

1) What did you like about this chap?

2) Do you think the baby twins are cute in the pic?😘

3) Did you get déjà vu when you read this?

4) What do you think about the Silent pack?

5) Are you scared about the Hunters Clan? (You should be.)

Well, comment, vote and follow me, (I always follow back.😜)

I didn't update till now cause I was at the Swap Meet, and my dad wouldn't give me my phone...

I've been thinking about what I'd do for this series, and I already made summaries for the next two books!!!

Anyways, I'll update later, don't start pmsing on me to update cause I like nice comments, not forceful ones...

Bye, love y'all!


The Stars Are Aligned {The Pure Series} [Book Two] EditedWhere stories live. Discover now