
19 3 9

I ran into the deep dark forest, leaving the stupid rude boy, alone with his stupid old truck. The forest was dark, and as soon as I stepped inside the forest, I started hearing horrible noises of savage animals, but at that time I was blind with anger. I didn't care about anything, I just want to go deep in the forest, away from him and his truck. 

I ran and ran scratching myself from the rough bark of trees, falling down a lot of time in the mud and bruising myself. When I get angry, I really get angry. It is my weakness, you see. I ran and ran in the darkness when suddenly, I slip, falling down and down inside some dark hollow pit. I remembered I was so tired that I couldn't even shout. There was no moon that night and I couldn't make out where I am, except that I was falling, when suddenly I felt pain on my head which soon started to conquer my whole body and I became unconscious, on the muddy ground.


I woke up from my unconsciousness, as pain erupts from every joint of my body. Bright light hurt my eyes. It was morning. Dry blood mixed with mud was plaster all over my hair and face. It was clear that I had hit my head on the sharp rock that was in front of me with my blood plaster over it. I tried to get up and figured out, I had sprained my ankles very badly. I was in a deep hole, very steep to climb out. The ground was muddy and my guitar case was lying beside me. I opened up my case and saw the guitar clean and unbroken. Thank god, at least my guitar was safe! I was hungry and thirsty and in the worst possible condition, you can imagine. 

I shouldn't have said those rude things to him. He told me that he couldn't drive at night. I felt very foolish. As soon as I will get out of here I will say sorry to him. Everything was really my fault. But now I was not foolish to keep quiet, so I started shouting at the top of my voice. Someone has to be here, anyone,... because if I  remain in this hole for an hour more I will faint again and I don't think I will be able to wake up again.

Note from Author:

Thank you, everyone, for reading this chapter. I would specially like to thank @sunstarandheaven for supporting me so much.

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