✩:1 - Awesome, We're Moving In:✩

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Monday, August 16th, 2021

"Leon, Sydney, will you two please stop arguing?" Travis asked his friends, obviously starting to get a headache from their arguments.

"We'll stop, but after Sydney here understands the truth." Leon told him, turning to the black haired girl beside him. "For the last time, Pluto is not a planet!"

Sydney, the black haired girl with blue eyes, scoffed. "That's what you say. What was Pluto before 2006?"

"That was years ago, for god's sake." Leon responded frustratedly. "Pluto is too small to be considered a planet. Besides, there are larger dwarf planets than Pluto, and if Pluto is a planet, we'll have to consider those other dwarf planets as planets too."

"It still wasn't fair of us to just remove Pluto's planet status just like that!" Sydney snapped. "'Ohana means family... Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.' That's the quote from 'Lilo and Stitch'."

Travis groaned. It seemed that once Leon and Sydney started arguing, the argument would never end.

The girl in front of the group with blue-fade-to-blonde hair turned around to see if her friends were still behind her.

"I wouldn't worry about them, Dad, they'll shut up soon." She assured Travis.

Leon, who has heard this, rolled his eyes. "Yeah right, trust Avery, the same person who took a 'wrong turn' and took us all to McDonald's because he totally wasn't hungry."

"Hey watch it! I'm going by she/her today!" Avery scolded him.

"Guys, keep the noise down, I'm getting a headache." Travis told them with a sigh.

At this, the group stopped talking, silently making their way towards their dorm room.

It was currently the last week of August in 2021. The teens of the United States hadn't seen a proper school year since the summer of 2019, due to the pandemic called Covid 19. Luckily, everything seemed to be okay when the worldwide quarantine ended in February 2021. (Hopefully it ends earlier in our world) Nevertheless, this group of teenagers certainly weren't ready for college.

The moment of silence was broken by Sydney, who declared loudly, "If Pluto isn't accepted as a planet, I'm going to make it a continent."

"Sydney, NO-" Leon started to argue back.

"PEOPLE, SHUT UP!" Avery shouted at them, gesturing to the door in front of them. "We're at the dorm."

Avery took the key to the dorm room out of her pocket and unlocked the door. Pulling their luggages (or suitcases, the ones with wheels) behind them, the four friends walked into the room.

It was certainly larger than any of them had expected. There was a large kitchen area, which was connected to the living room, with a large couch and a couple armchairs sitting in front of the TV. There was a corridor that lead to two bathrooms and two bedrooms.

"Well this is big." Travis said in awe as he and his friends looked around the room.

"Oh good, we're all here." A female voice said, making the four friends turn around to see who had said that.

Sitting on one of the armchairs was a brown haired, hazel eyed girl. Sitting on the couch and one of the other armchairs were eight other people.

The brown haired girl who had spoken got up from her seat. "Hi, I'm Delilah. I see you've probably got my message. Welcome to Astro Academy."

"I'm Travis." Travis responded. "These are my friends. I hope they don't turn out to be much of a bother."

"Especially those two." Avery added, jerking her thumb in the direction of Leon and Sydney. "They can be a huge pain sometimes."

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