☆:11 - In Case You're Asking, We Did Not Do Anything Stupid At All:☆

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Sorry for being dead! I actually left like a year earlier but I decided to come back quite recently, so I'm trying to update my books gradually.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter!


Tuesday, August 24th, 2021

"I can't believe school starts in around six days or so." Candy groaned.

"Same, Candy, same." Amber replied, still busy scrolling through her phone.

"Is it just me, or has it been a lot more quiet today?" asked Levi, looking up from his phone.

Travis shrugged. "Maybe it's because the so-called 'stuffed animal cult' went out for the whole morning."

"So that's why it's been strangely quiet all morning!" said Sydney. "Huh, I miss this atmosphere."

"That explains the noise level, but there's only five of us here." Amber pointed out. "Where are Delilah and Vincent?"

The five of them were currently sitting in the living room, all bored on their phone with nothing to do but to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. It was so quiet that no one even noticed that some of them had left.

Candy thought for a while before responding, "You know what, I actually have no idea whatsoever. Where did they go?"

"They're probably doing something that's actually productive with their lives like the mature college students that we're supposed to be." answered Sydney. "I don't actually know what they're doing."

"When they left, they said something about the school campus, but I was too busy doing absolutely nothing to catch the rest of what they had said." Levi said casually.

At that moment, Travis' phone rang. He quickly accepted the call and put the phone next to his ear with a sigh. "Hello?"

The four others leaned inwards to try to catch what the person on the other end of the phone was saying.

"Oh, hey Delilah, where'd you go? And why are you calling me specifically?"


"Ah, I see. Oh, you went to explore the school campus?"


"Mhm, okay."


"Wait, you what?!"


"What do you MEAN you lost Vincent?"

At this, everyone else in the room raised an eyebrow in confusion as Travis continued talking.

"Okay, fine, maybe the campus is a big ass building, but did you actually-"


"Do you even know where you are?"


"Alright then, I'm on my way."

With that, Travis ended the call and got up from his seat. "I have to go, I'll be back in a bit." He immediately got up, put his shoes on, and walked out the door, leaving the four others to sit in silence.

"So..." started Amber. "Who's going to bet that the stuffed animal cult did something incredibly stupid out there somewhere."

As soon as the words came out of Amber's mouth, the sound of a door opening could be heard coming from the direction of the front door. The door quickly opened to reveal the six members of the stuffed animal cult, each holding a bag in their hand.

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