☆:10 - Picnic in the Park:☆

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Monday, August 23rd, 2021

"Didn't Delilah say she was joining us?" Graham asked. "Where is she?"

The group of dormmates, minus Delilah, were currently sitting on a large picnic mat that Sebastian, Vincent, Graham, and Penni had bought before they arrived. Some of them were placing newly-bought food items beside them.

"She should be coming soon." Amber replied.

"She said she was going to wait for something." added Cate.

"I wonder what it is." said Avery.

Travis checked his watch. "Well, it's been well over an hour, and I bet the food which wasn't already cold has gone cold."

Just then, Delilah sprinted over, a bag slung on her shoulder, carrying something wrapped in paper towels over.

As she placed the object she had brought and her bag on the picnic mat, she said, "Sorry I'm late! I made a little something before I came over!"

"What is it?" asked Sydney.

Delilah unwrapped the item she had brought over to reveal that it was a pre-cut loaf of bread.

"Woah, when did you have the time to make this?" Leon asked in awe.

"She was waiting for it to finish baking when we had left." Candy explained.

"Behold! My very own loaf of sourdough bread!" Delilah announced, gesturing to the bread.

The others examined the loaf of bread in awe. Only Vincent was just sat there, looking like this was nothing extraordinary.

Penni nudged him. "Hey Vincent, what's with that face? Does Delilah do this all the time?"

"Every family meal." Vincent nodded. "It's been a long time since I've seen a loaf of Delilah's Super Special Recipe ™. The ™ was one hundred percent necessary, by the way." He added.

"Now the food's all here, we can enjoy our picnic." said Sebastian.

As the group dug into their food, they had small conversations with each other, each about different topics.

"I'll have to ask you something, though." Cate told Delilah. "Doesn't sourdough take a super long time to bake? I remember there being a sourdough starter and whatnot."

Delilah nodded in answer to Cate's question. "Yep! I actually made the sourdough started a few days ago. I used some of it to make myself some breakfast sourdough."

"Is that what that loaf of bread sitting in the fridge was?" Levi asked.

"I wanted to make a new loaf to bring to the picnic, so I did exactly that." Delilah added.

She reached for her bag to grab a small glass container that was in the bag. Opening it, she revealed a whole stick of butter.

"Well come on," She said to everyone else, who had all stopped their conversations to see what she was holding. "You can't have bread without butter, can you?"

"What the-" Graham started, watching as Delilah proceeded to take a butter knife out of her bag, cut out a slice of the butter, and spread it on a slice of the sourdough bread.

Again, Vincent simply rolled his eyes like it was nothing new. "Of course, Delilah just can't have bread without spreading on a crap ton of butter." He reached for a slice of bread, and to Delilah's amazement, took a bite out of it without spreading any butter on it. "I prefer mine plain."

"You've got no taste." Delilah chided him.

"Hey, you're the one who spreads a whole ton of that block of fat and protein components of milk on bread." Vincent shot back.

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