☆:7 - Let's Talk Epic Poetry:☆

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I know I usually update this book on Tuesdays but I didn't feel like writing anything yesterday so here's your chapter today.



Saturday, August 21st, 2021

Penni sat on an armchair, scrolling through an app on her phone, reading something.

Cate snuck up behind her and tapped her on the back of her shoulder. "What are you doing?" She asked playfully.

"Just reading on this app called Wattpad." Penni replied.

(No, the fourth wall is NOT broken)

"Cool, what book are you reading?" Cate asked again.

Penni showed Cate her phone. "Just this cool piece of epic poetry that I found. It's written by some user on Wattpad, and I find it very interesting."

Graham appeared behind the two girls. "I heard we were starting a book club."

Penni rolled her eyes and laughed. "No we aren't! But this epic poem is quite interesting."

"Read it to us!" Cate exclaimed.

"No," replied Penni. Upon looking at Cate's pleading eyes, she sighed and said, "Fine." She cleared her throat and began to read.

"I humbly invoke you,
O Calliope, muse of epic poetry

Speak through me
Let me retell this tale
This adventure
This story
This journey

Of my brother
Of my friends
Of my father
And of me

Speak through me
Let me remember the memories
The perils
The laughter
The tears

Of the royals
Of the citizens
Of my loved ones
And of me

Speak through me
Let me share my story
My point of view
My feeling
My life

Of a girl
Of a woman
Of a princess
Of a queen

Of me"

"That's an epic poem?" Graham asked, confused. "That wasn't epic at all!"

"That's because the story hasn't even started yet." Penni told him. "An epic poem begins with the poet invoking a muse. This invocation is kind of like a prologue to the epic poem."

"Did someone say epic poem?" asked Avery, who had decided to pop out of nowhere.

Graham nearly jumped. "Why are we all popping out of nowhere today?"

"Beats me." Sebastian commented, joining the group of four with Leon standing behind him.

"Is this a book club now?" Leon asked.

"Penni just found an epic poem on Wattpad that she wanted to share with us." said Cate, explaining the situation.

Avery had taken Penni's phone to read the epic poem. "Well damn, this is interesting. Are there any other parts to this?"

As she swiped down, her hopeful smile turned into a frown.

"There's only one part." She sighed, shaking her head sadly.

"Aw." Everyone else sighed.

(Note: This is not a real epic poem, and it does not exist on Wattpad... yet)

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