#6- V.F.D.

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I've been noticing there is a glitch in my wattpad account. Every time I edit a new chapter on this book, the first chapter of this book updates and says it's been posted on that date. I don't know if you get updates saying that I have posted a new chapter, but this has just been happening.

Also, if you see any spelling mistakes or something that looks wrong, please let me know. I try to make my story as qUaLiTy as possible.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program...

(This starts right when the last chapter ended)
Isadora POV
"Do you know what it is or what it means?"
"That's Count Olaf's tattoo."

What does he have to do with this?

Klaus started hurriedly flipping through the yearbook that contained the note. At one point, he paused examining a page, but then showed me it.

"That's him." Klaus said.

He pointed to the boy with an unibrow. The boy didn't look to much older than us.

"There's another thing over here," I told him.

This meeting place was only half a library. On one side there was the wall of yearbooks, and the other contained miscellaneous cabinets. I led him to the cabinet straight in the middle and opened up the top drawer.

In it was a rotten lemon, a stiff Kit-Kat wrapper, an out of style small blue jacket, and a learn to count children's book.

"What is this what do they mean?" Klaus questioned.

"I've been trying to find that out since I first found this place." I responded.

I then took out the letter that was on the top of all of the things in the drawer. I began to read it.

"Here lies four objects that indicate the people of the yearbook committee that were a part of VFD, which here means vast four documenters. If you have found this note in this hidden spot, you have earned the title of being a Volunteer and are part of this club. Sincerely, the vast four documenters."

"Does that mean we are apart of the yearbook club?" Klaus asked.

"I guess we are,"

Before I could say anything else, I started to hear something from above. It sounded like footsteps.

My first thought was Violet and Duncan, but it sounded like more than two people.

"Klaus, turn off the lights." I whispered.

He nodded and slowly walked over to turn off the lights . I was engulfed in darkness. I stumbled over to the cabinet on the right. Klaus followed me.

"We need to hide," I whispered.

"How do you know, they'll come down here?"

"The hatch was opened and the rug was moved, it's kind of obvious." I blankly replied.

We than started to hear muffled speaking. Klaus went into the cabinet. Luckily, this cabinet had a big door at the bottom, but it was going to be a tight fit. I got in but then realized there was scarcely any room so I'd have to be close up to him.

It felt awkward at first but at the same time, I was more nervous of getting caught than what was going on between us.

I was now playing against him.

He closed the cabinet doors. There was still a little opening at the top so some light, even though it was very little, came in.

"Klaus?" I whispered.

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