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Sometime during the school year, Rosie woke up and started getting ready for school. She tossed her backpack over her shoulders and hopped on her skateboard, racing to school. When she got there, she realized that Marty wasn't there. This was... what? His fourth day in a row of being late. Rosie rolled her eyes at her best friend and went to sit in class alone. Little did she know, her best friend was skateboarding, catching rides on the backs of cars trying to get to class on time. He arrived, and Rosie started to run to the other side of the school to catch him before Strickland did.

"You're late McFly," Rosie teased as she ran down the steps to get her best friend. "Don't go this way Stricklands looking for you." She linked their arms and led him a different way so he wouldn't get caught and in trouble.

"Thanks," he said. "This time it wasn't my fault. The Doc set all his clocks 25 minutes slow."

"Why does he always do these things?" Rosie asked, before being interrupted by Strickland. He gave them both tardy slips, even though Rosie had already announced her attendance in class. Marty made some sort of snarky comment and Strickland turned it right back around towards him and his father, calling them both slackers.

"No McFly ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley," Strickland taunted. Rosie held her breath, hoping Marty wouldn't say anything that would get himself into more trouble.

"Yeah, well, history is gonna change," he said, widening his eyes, and feeling good about his reply. Rosie pulled him away towards their classes.

"You have to be careful with him Marty," she whispered as they walked the halls.

"Yeah yeah I know," he said quietly. By the way, Doc said to tell you that we have to meet him at the Twin Pines mall at 1:15 tonight," he said. Rosie gave a disgusted look.

"That's so early," she whispered. "Alright I'll see you at the band tryout."

"See you then," he said.
Marty's band was all set up and prepared for their audition. He announced the Pinheads to the dull looking judges, and looked over to see Rosie, sitting on the gym floor, crossing her legs. She set her head on her right hand, leaning it on her leg. She looked at Marty, holding the guitar in his hands. She always loved when he played his guitar. It was his passion. He even taught her a few chords so she could play along with him.

He winked at her and they started playing the intro to their song. Before they could get father then the song, or even reach the opening line, they were stopped.

"Hold it fellas," a man with a megaphone said. Marty stopped playing and looked defeated. How could they be too loud? They were a rock band! Rosie looked as if she was going to yell at the man. She jumped up from where she was sitting and Marty made eye contact with her. She looked at the man with the megaphone, who was still staring at the group on stage, pointed at him from behind, and stuck her middle finger in his direction, Marty smiled slightly, but it didn't do much to life his spirits.

As the two friends walked through Hill Valley, Marty vented about the situation to Rosie, who listened patiently.

"I'm never gonna get a chance to play in front of anybody," he told her. Rosie tried to calm him down, telling him it was okay and it wasn't the end of the world. She hyped him up by telling him he was talented and would make it big. She even tried to convince him to send his audition tape in.

"It's like Doc's always saying," she started, but he interrupted her.

"Yeah I know, I know. If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything," he said. They continued to talk, and the busy street behind them continued to move past. Cars passed by and people walked and talked. "Check out that 4x4. That is hot."

"So am I," Rosie said under her breath. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up onto the bench with her, causing her to squeal quietly at the sudden pull, but smile nonetheless. They talked and sat down, before being interrupted by a lady chanting "save the clock tower!" They both rolled their eyes and shook their heads. This happens every year. Marty dropped a coin into the can so she would shut up. She handed him a flyer, which he pocketed. Rosie had to leave, but not before kissing Marty on the cheek. She ran off, hopping on her skateboard. She caught a glimpse behind her of Marty grabbing onto the back of a cop car.

Rosie returned home to see Eric, Ethen, and Lindsey fighting over the tv clicker. She rolled her eyes and picked it up, turning on a channel they could all agree on, which they all thanked her for. She helped get dinner ready, and the family sat down to eat. Simultaneously, Marty McFly was sitting at the dinner table, eating impatiently and listening to his mom talk about the Enchantment Under the Sea dance, while his father ignored the conversation. He was listening to a story that he would soon learn had a few minor details wrong. Or at least, would.

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