Chapter 8 The Decision

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The Decision

I spent the next couple of days pondering about the whole situation and thinking about all the ways that it could go wrong, but also about all the ways that it could go right. I avoided Seth and William at all costs, because whenever I saw them I froze and got anxious, and it wont be long before Seth would start to realise that something is wrong. I just hoped that I would have enough time to make up my mind before he did. On a brighter note, they finally changed my room from purple to blue velvet colour, and Emelia hasn't returned home ever since she got kicked out. I wanted to feel better. I wanted to feel satisfied because for once in my whole life I was the one who mattered. But I didn't, instead, I felt demoralized.

It was late afternoon and there was a knock on the door. I ignored it at first, but then the person knocked again. I looked up from the copy of Insomnia that I read, and told the person to come in. The door opened and William entered. I felt nervous because he was probably waiting for my answer on whether or not I was going to kill my own father. I couldn't understand why this was so hard for me to decide on. I hated my father, but why didn't I want him dead? Was it because a little part of me still longed for the affection of a father?

"Good afternoon. Seth told me to check up on you and see if you needed anything, and to ask if everything is still alright." William said and I closed the book lightly and shifted myself up against the pillows.

"I'm okay thanks." I said and he was about to walk away when he turned back towards my direction.

"Do you want to go grab a bite or something?" He asked with a tint of gawkiness in his voice, as if he'd never asked someone that before.

"With you?" I asked surprised and he nodded. After a moment of hesitation, I got up and followed him out of my room and out to his polished black classic old Cadillac. The curves, the shine, the original parts – wow. This was probably the closest that I've ever come to an actual classical car. I didn't want to touch it because I didn't want to scratch it, so instead I gawked at it. "Is this a Cadillac from the 70's Series?" I asked amazed, and William gaped at me in surprise.

"Yes, 1954 model. I'm surprised that you recognise it."

"My mother didn't exactly buy new things you know, and besides, antiquities and classics has always fascinated me." I said and he opened the door for me. I looked up at him, imagining the colours around us go black and white, and him with a thick black mustache. Just like a classic 1950's movie. "Wait, no bodyguards?"

"You don't need bodyguards when you're with me." He said casually I climbed inside, and a few seconds later he also got into the car. The car still looked brand new, but I could smell that amazing sense of history remaining within the car. He started to drive around the circled paving of the house and towards the open road. I could hear the roar of the engine, and my ears started to dance.

"So where are we going to eat?" I asked, snapping back to the twenty-first century and he gave me a simple shrug.

"We can go wherever you want to go." William said and I let out a loud sigh.

"I don't know. How about KFC?" I asked and he nodded. I just stared out of the window. The sun had already started to set down upon us, and I could already see a few stars uncovering from the golden yet blue skies. The house was far from the town, because all I could see was the clear fields of tall green grass flying past us.

"Can you drive?" William asked out of the blue and I nodded. Of course I could drive, or that's what I thought. Becky would've had red flags flying in the air by now to warn him that I couldn't drive, but I wasn't such a horrible driver. "Would you like to drive?"

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