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Sweat dripped off his brow as Draco stirred the potion carefully however his hands shook ever so slightly.  

When he published it ready he laid the stirrer on the table,

"Pansy, do you have the blood dagger?"

The dark-haired girl passed the shining silver weapon to Draco, who used it to slice his palm open. He let ten drops of the crimson liquid fall into the potion before stirring again 5 times in each direction till the potion was fuchsia pink. The shade that retained Draco's amantes magic.

Pansy peered into the cauldron,

"Is it done?" she asked shakily.   

Draco let out a content but upset sigh and nodded tiredly.  

"I'm going to wash off and wrap my hand," said Draco before retreating to his bathroom he shared with Harry. He reached into the cabinet above the sink and brought out a muggle medical kit.

Not that he was going to let anyone know, but he prefers using antiseptics and bandages because it attracts attention. And Draco loves attention.

He caught his reflection in the mirror and sighed. His normally well-behaved hair was all over the place with twigs and branches littered in between his blond locks.

He groaned and glared at his reflection as he picked out the foreign objects in his hair.  Once he finished he opened the silver box and brought out the alcohol and bandages.  He hissed in pain as the antiseptic stung the gash and quickly wrapped it up.  

He returned back into the room where he saw Pansy ladle a bit of it into the ying-yang pendant.  She sealed it and handed it over to Draco he put additional locking charms and placed it on a piece of white velvet to cool off. 

Once they cleared everything up, Pansy sat on the bed patting the space next to her. Draco obliged and flopped down, sinking in the silk sheets. 

"So explain to me the plan again," she said tiredly, playing with the dagger.

"You're gonna hurt yourself if you keep playing with that," mumbled Draco sleepily.  He shifted to get comfortable making a mental reminder to sneak the dagger back into Snape's potion room.

"Oh no. No sleep for you yet. You still need to explain what you need that for and the whole situation with Potter. And why the thought of where you were sleeping never cross my mind." huffed the Slytherin.

Draco grumbled but sat up and began to explain.

"I'll start from the Potter bit."  He sighed.

"It all started right at the beginning of the year.  Remember when we were making Levantes? Yeah, Potter didn't come to class that day with his glasses.  That git is as blind as a bat without those things. Anyways.  He didn't read the instructions, not that he could see them of course and put several pink flowers instead of one blue one. Then there was this weird mist and apparently, we blacked out."

Pansy furrowed her brow.  Something sounded off about the whole thing. But she kept silent as Draco continued.

"The next I know I am in the hospital wing with Dumbledore telling him and I that we're cursed slash bonded.  To be exact its called the Amantes curse. I only know a little about it because Mother told me when one of her friends was cursed by an ex-lover."

Draco grimaced, "The whole ordeal was quite messy"

Pansy nodded even though she had no clue as to what he meant.

"So then they gave us this place. It was because in the beginning stages we couldn't be apart and the curse had a bad habit of making us do things." 

"Things?" enquired Pansy

"Things that lead to unplanned pregnancies," said Draco bitterly laying a hand on his stomach. Pansy rubbed small circles on his back.

He motioned to the room around them.  And we've been here ever since."

"That doesn't explain why no one ever realized you were living somewhere else," said Pansy.

Draco sighed,

"Originally, everyone knew.  We were public and it felt unreal, in a good way.  You and Blaise got along smashingly with Granger and Weasley and Harry was so caring.  He still is." said Draco wistfully. 

A solemn look then graced his features.

"Soon it turned sour. Something...something was wrong with Harry"

Pansy nodded as if to say go on.

"He...he began to have quite a bit of a temper and began hurting people.  Hurting people that hurt me."

He looked Pansy in the eye, "He once severed off Blaise's arm, broke all of Weasley's bones and almost killed the ginger bitch"

He looked down at his lap, where his hands sat, clasping and unclasping, "He would have finished the job too if I hadn't stopped him." He whispered.  A single tear rolled down his pale cheek and he swiped it away quickly.

He took a deep breath. It wasn't supposed to hurt like this. He doesn't even truly love Harry.

'It's just the curse' thought Draco as he fought back tears.  Why didn't he see it sooner?

With a shaky breath, he continued,

"Dumbledore advised us to agree to a mass obliviate.  So that the public or...He who must not be named doesn't find out about any of this.  He then put up certain wards around the school that basically confundus anyone who thinks about where he and I sleep till they forget all about it."

"That's about it." finished Draco.

The two Slytherins just sat there in the humid, potion smelling room and held each other.  Each wondering.  What did the future hold?

"So how do we get the curse off your back?" asked Pansy after a few minutes. Draco got up and picked up the now cooled pendant.  

"I don't know if it'll work.  If I sleep with is around my neck, I can take with me when I enter my dream space.  There, I can manually attach the bonds to the pendant instead of me."

"So essentially a dummy of you," said Pansy in awe.

"Precisely" grinned Draco.

"That's...that's brilliant!" exclaimed the girl. A worrying through crossed her mind.

"But what about the baby?"

"That's where Mother comes in.  Hopefully, her desire for a grandchild with distract her from how much I fucked up"

Pansy snorted.  'Doubt it' she thought.

Hi, my little katts!


I promise more explaining will be done but this is just the beginning.  I apologies for the long wait. Writer's block tings smh


Karma xo

Amantes CurseWhere stories live. Discover now