chapter 16: dumb teen boy

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»»————- song: ————-««

boys will be bugs

by cavetown

i'm a dumb teen boy
i eat sticks and rocks and mud
i don't care about the government,

and i really need a hug. 

♢ ♢ ♢

In the end, Dumbledore gave Harry back his one hundred points and then some for his "heroic efforts" or whatever, effectively continuing the winning streak the Slytherins had been on for quite some time now. Harry tried to read Snape's expression when he was shaking McGonagall's hand (who looked quite miffed at Dumbledore's last second adjustments) but his face was impassive. 

His summer at the Dursleys had been a miserable one. The strange house elf who claimed to be in the servitude of the Malfoy family and that Harry was in danger, the underage magic warning, and of course, being locked in his room with barely enough food for an owl, let alone Harry...

At least Hedwig could hunt, Harry thought grimly, staring at his window. He had let her out before Vernon installed those bars in the window, and he missed her company. Draco had promised to write, as did Hermione, and Harry had been desperately looking forward to any sort of friendly contact. Now, though, it seemed like he would just have to wait out the summer. 

Harry's stomach gurgled unhappily. He curled up in his bed, propping up his Charms textbook next to his head to try and take his mind off the hunger. Flame-Freezing Charms were all very well and good, but his Transfiguration reading was on Conjuring spells and the theories behind conjuring food. He sighed and shut the book, imagining the Great Hall and its abundance of dishes heaped high with steaks and treacle tarts...

September 1st couldn't come soon enough. Even Vernon's insults and refusal to help Harry with his luggage couldn't bother him, although Petunia shrilly saying, "You'll pay for what you did, girl," made him uncomfortable. No matter, because in a few minutes he would be on the Hogwarts Express.

That did not happen.

Harry breathed hard, trying not to let his panic show in case the Muggles around him caught on and asked questions. The barrier didn't work. Was that even possible? The train wasn't supposed to leave for another minute. He looked around wildly, looking for anyone who looked magical that he could ask for questions. But Platform 9 was unfortunately barren.

Harry sat down on his luggage, heart rate quickening. What to do? How was he going to get to school now?

Hedwig hooted in her cage questioningly. Harry stared at her for a moment, then stood up. He opened his trunk, rifled through his school things, and pulled out some parchment and a quill. "Hedwig," he said as quietly as possible as he scribbled a message out, "I need you to take this to Professor Snape, alright? I'm stuck here, and... well, I need help. Make sure he reads it, okay?"

Hedwig hooted her understanding. Giving Harry an affectionate nip on the finger, she took off into the gray sky and disappeared.

Harry sat back down heavily. Well, nothing more to do than wait. He only hoped Snape wouldn't ignore the message and leave him here.

Snape was in the middle of nothing in particular when a large white owl landed on the windowsill of his office, hooting impatiently. Still, he felt distinctly like he had been interrupted—he did not like his time being encroached upon. 

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