Omake 1

38 5 0

Monday, May 11th

If it existed an event Midoriya Izuku expected anxiously every year, that was the UA Sports Festival, so the moment he won in a giveaway two tickets for the first-years' event he was positively thrilled, inviting his mother to accompany him.

So many Quirks reunited in just one place for him to pick and analyze them one by one, bit by bit... He could only laugh in almost mad glee.

And yet, even with powerhouses like Katsuki and Todoroki Shouto around, along with the rest of the people from both classes of the Hero Course, Izuku's attention end up focusing on a certain girl from the General Department.


Saying she was tall would be a euphemism, she was absolutely statuesque. That and her indigo hair making her very easy to spot, not counting on the fact she was being carried by four students through all the obstacle race.

Were they collaborating to make it to the next round...? That seemed an interesting plan, but it was unlikely and weird considering how the girl wasn't making any effort at all.

Izuku even looked for signs of something like a support Quirk being used, but he found nothing.

The girl truly wasn't doing anything to contribute to her team except for giving orders... And now that Izuku was watching attentively, for some reason the rest of them weren't using their Quirks either. They just moved at a slow but constant pace until they made it to the goal, managing to get to the next round despite their sluggish performance.

"...It can't be." He murmured. The start of a theory forming in his mind.


For the second round, the girl switched some of her helpers, but the rest was the same. The members of her cavalry did all the hard (physical) work for her while she just remained in command like a general controlling her troops.

Yes, control was the word he was looking for.

"Mind-control." He said, feeling completely exhilarated.

Most people were just amazed by powerful or flashy abilities like Katsuki's, but Izuku preferred to look beyond that to more complex or utilitarian Quirks.

So he understood that something like a mind-control Quirk could be a real blessing in the hands of a hero. Such potential for winning against any kind of villain, no matter how powerful they were, without having to make use of violence at all.

It helped that, apparent laziness aside, the girl had a good head on her shoulders. Instead of going after Todoroki's team and his ten million points, she took advantage of other teams' distractedness to sneakily steal their headbands. So at the end of the round, her team got second place thanks to their use of stealth and a good plan, leaving Katsuki's team behind in third place by a wide margin, for Izuku's guilty amusement.

To say that he was impressed was an understatement. Izuku couldn't believe that he was in the same department that this girl and didn't know her until now. So many ideas about the stuff she would be able to do with her Quirk with the proper training and advice...!

"Deary, you are drooling." Said his mother, Inko, from the seat next to him.

Even after explaining himself, he still felt her mother judging stares for a long while.

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