Chapter 4 - Yao-momo

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Tuesday, May 12th

Hitomi stood in front of the club door, immobile. Unlike the previous day, the noise seemed to indicate that Izuku was already inside.

It was silly, but she felt nervous about knocking.

What if Izuku changed his opinion about helping her? It seemed improbable, but still... Who knows, maybe he was busy with something and didn't have time to deal with her?

"Hmm, sorry, is this the Quirk Research Club?" Hitomi heard a feminine voice behind her and turned around to find a really beautiful and curvaceous girl the same height as her, with jet-black hair in a ponytail. Hitomi recognized her immediately.

"Aren't you one of the 1-A girls who did the cheering act at the Sports Festival?" Hitomi asked, knowing fully well that it was her. She was just interested in gauging the girl's reaction.

"Y-Yes." The girl blushed a bit but remained collected. "Let me introduce myself, my name is Yaoyorozu Momo, at your service." Yaoyorozu extended her hand towards Hitomi in a polite gesture and she grasped it, don't seeing any reason not to do it.

She had heard about the Yaoyorozu family before -who didn't?- and knew they were obscenely rich, so she expected the girl to have the typical arrogant behavior of rich people. Instead of that, she seemed friendly.

"Name's Shinsou Hitomi." She said cooly.

"I know. Shinsou-san visited our classroom some days ago to declare war on us." Hitomi flinched. Initially, she didn't have the intention of doing that. It was only the blonde chihuahua's barks that angered her enough to make her say all that. "And you also defeated Aoyama-san at the Sports Festival's last round." Yaoyorozu didn't seem offended or anything, so apparently she didn't take her competitiveness in a bad way.

"Yeah, that's me: Popsicle girl." She said, pointing at herself.

"Popsicle?" Yaoyorozu tilted her head, not getting her lame intent of a joke.

"...Just forget that I talked." Hitomi knocked at the door and moved to the side under the curious glance of the other girl.

Before the girl could question her, Hitomi lifted her index finger and put it in front of her mouth. Yaoyorozu looked a bit confused but nodded after a moment.

"Give me a moment." They heard Izuku's voice, and then the door opened after a couple of seconds, blocking Hitomi from view.

This was the perfect opportunity for her to make sure of something she had been suspecting since the previous day, and for that, she needed Izuku to be unaware of her presence.

"Midoriya-san?" Asked Yaoyorozu, and the boy bowed.

"Yes. It's nice to finally meet you in person, Yaoyorozu-san!" The boy greeted her with great energy. "Come in, come in!"

"I-Is it fine? Aren't you busy?" Yaoyorozu threw a subtle glance at her direction.

"Hmm, well." He turned thoughtful. "I was kind of waiting for someone, but she has not messaged me or anything... And maybe she won't come at all." His voice was suddenly laced with a bit of sadness. Then he shook his head and smiled again. "Anyway, that doesn't mean I can't try to help you while I wait for my other guest to arrive."

"Thanks for your time. I'll be in your care." The girl followed him inside the room, while Hitomi gaped at the whole situation.

Where the hell went the nervous guy Hitomi had met yesterday? It was just like when he entered 'analysis mode'... Izuku had stopped stuttering and carried himself more confidently while remaining a soft-spoken person.

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