Chapter 7 - Explosive Idiot - Part 1

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Thursday, May 14th

The moment Hitomi entered her home, she advanced directly to her room, feeling troubled despite her calm exterior.

"...It happened again." She whispered while biting her thumb's fingernail.

Izuku and her, once again, started to basically flirt with each other like fools.

It was as if they couldn't talk for lengthy periods without ending up complimenting each other. Which was nice, because receiving compliments stroked her ego and teasing him was fun... But it also made her feel weird afterwards.

"He likes me. I'm sure of it... And I can't just ignore it forever." Resolving such a situation would be easy. She just needed to confront Izuku and tell him she didn't feel the same... However, she was not 100% sure that was the case anymore. "...I don't have the time for this." She sighed. "I'll let future me deal with this mess." Hitomi advanced to her bed just to find a Siamese cat lying in the middle of it. "Mio, get down off my bed." She said, glaring at the cat, but the blue-eyed animal limited to stare at her lazily and then moved slightly to the border of the bed. "...You're lucky of being so cute." She lay down in the free space on the bed, next to Mio, and hugged the cat against herself. "Stupidly adorable furball." She relaxed with the sound of Mio's purring. "...I just need to keep my act together, and I'll be fine."


'Fine, my ass! Why am I here?'. Standing awkwardly in front of Izuku's classroom, glaring at anyone that looked at her funny... In other words, everyone!

Fortunately, it didn't take too much for Izuku to appear.

"S-Shinsou-san?" He seemed surprised. Understandable. It was the first time she got closer to him out of the club-room.

"'Morning, Midoriya..." She said, ignoring Izuku's classmates staring at her as if she was the Hachishakusama or something.

They weren't subtle at all... Were they acting like that because of her? Or because she was talking to Izuku?

"G-Good morning, too!" He gave her a small nod.

"Hmm. Going to breakfast?"

"Oh. Y-Yeah... Is something the matter?" He tilted his head with curiosity. The guy probably thought she only wanted to ask him about something Quirk-related...

Which was kind of funny, because when she first looked for Izuku's help, she had intended to keep things professional and business-focused... But now, that wasn't the case anymore. Now she wanted to be closer to Izuku at a personal level.

'Because you can't work properly with someone if you don't understand them. So this is just something I'm doing for my own good'. She thought, justifying herself for what she was about to do.

"...Not really. Just wanted to invite you to eat together." She said, her tone even, trying to maintain her mind blank of useless/weird thoughts.

She wasn't successful.

"...Y-You want to eat with me?" He said in a faint tone, sounding perplexed.

"Yeah, why not? If you aren't busy..."

The truth was that, beyond any of her personal feelings about it, this was something necessary from an objective point of view. After all, Izuku was still awkward around her most of the time. So hanging out together on their free time could help to make him get used to her so things would run smoother.

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