Chapter 2 - Enter: Midoriya Izuku, Quirk Analyst

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Monday, May 11th

Once on the third floor of the building, she walked towards the end of the hallways.

There she found it.

'Quirk Research Club', said on the door, a cartoony All Might above the letters. She tried not to snort about how dorky it looked and knocked on the door.

Midoriya Izuku; he was the person she was looking for.

She didn't know much about him besides the stuff the blonde electric guy -who she would refer to as Pikachu from now onwards- told her; apparently, he was a first-year in the General Department just like her, but in a different class.

"...Anybody there?" She asked when nobody opened the door. "...Huh." She twisted the knob, and to her surprise, the door opened with ease. "...Okay. Sorry for entering." She pulled it slowly, and then her eyes saw the inside of the room.

Based on what Pikachu said, she expected the place to look like a hero fan club or something, but it surely exceeded her expectations...

It looked exactly as if a hero fanboy just moved all their belongings to the room and decided to live in there.

The left-part of the room was occupied by two shelves full of hero figures and toys, most of them about All Might and a bookcase with what seemed to be a collection of hero-related books and magazines, besides some weird notebooks.

The front part of the room included a little kitchen and next to it a door which seemed to lead to a bathroom.

Just in the middle of the room, there was a little tea table and around it a pair of sofas and chairs.

The wall with the entrance was full of framed pro-heroes' autographs.

And finally, the right part of the club room had a desk with a lot of papers full of small packed writing and kind of cool drawings lying around; and an old PC with a lot of sticky notes on it. Next to it was a blackboard with some schemes and diagrams with info about Pikachu's Quirk.

...So yeah, this guy seemed to be the real deal. If someone could direct her, if even a little, about what to do to get stronger it would be this guy...

The only problem was the fact that he wasn't here.

"Where are you?" She looked around, without hiding her curiosity.

In the end, the autograph covered wall won her full attention.

Not surprisingly, All Might's was at the center. What was surprising was the fact this Midoriya guy collected most of the top thirty pro-heroes' autographs. It was completely absurd to think how resourceful someone needed to be to actually pull something like that... Like, did he stalk pro-heroes all the time and everywhere they went until annoying them enough to get their signings? How the hell did he even get Endeavor's? A satanic ritual or something? She had the slight impression that one was rare enough to be worth some millions of yen...

She turned around when she heard some steps getting closer.

Then her eyes went wide open as she caught a bulky blond man with blue eyes and dressed in a USA-colored spandex uniform going into the room, his smile and peculiar haircut hard not to recognize.

She almost yelled at actually meeting All Might for the first time since starting going to UA, when she noticed how stiff he seemed.

...It was just a real-sized cardboard All Might being pushed into the club room by a smaller figure hidden behind it.

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