Chapter 5 - Plus Ultra

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Friday, May 8th

Hitomi walked towards the platform, her eyes fixed on the red-and-white-haired boy standing on it.

"Hmm, I'm not sure if I like this or not..." She said once on the platform. "Being sincere, I didn't expect nor wanted to fight against you so soon." She shrugged. "I mean, jumping from sparkling-boy straight to Endeavor V2.0 seems extremely unlucky, don't you think?" She noticed easily how Todoroki's indifferent mask slipped. His eyes flashing with annoyance.

" AND HERE WE ARE AGAIN, LISTENERS! " Exclaimed Present Mic. " ON ONE SIDE WE HAVE THE FAVORITE OF THE FESTIVAL, ICE & FIRE, TODOROKI SHOUTO FROM 1-A CLASS!" Todoroki didn't react to the teacher's words nor the people's applauses only kept staring at her. "AND ON THE OTHER SIDE, THE WILD CARD THAT UNEXPECTEDLY MADE IT INTO THE FINAL EVENT, SHINSOU HITOMI FROM THE GENERAL DEPARTMENT! " She smirked and waved to the public, receiving more claps than she ever expected. " BOTH OF THEM WON THEIR PREVIOUS FIGHTS IN LESS THAN FIVE SECONDS! SO, IS IT GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN?! "

"Not going to say anything? Or do you consider yourself too high and mighty to exchange words with a nobody commoner like me...?" She asked, but the boy remained silent. "Not that I expected any better from the son of such a miserable attempt of a human being. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, after all." Todoroki's frown worsen.


"...All the time, blessed people like you receive everything they want and need on a silver platter without having to do anything to deserve it. And still, all of you are praised as if you were descended gods or something."


"...So I suppose this situation is fine too." She shrugged and then put her hands in her pockets.


"I'm sure I'll have an insured ticket to the Hero Course when I crush Endeavor's little prodigal-..."

" START! "

"-son." In less than a blink, there was a huge burst of ice advancing towards her.

It took her a moment to process the situation and when she finally tried to move away, it was already too late. Todoroki's ice attack struck her and encased her full body, only letting her head and right hand unfrozen.


" WOW, THAT WAS FAST! HOW MUCH WAS IT...?! ONE SECOND? TWO SECONDS AT MOST?! " She ignored the man's words and desperately tried to free herself, but her little mobility made it impossible.

After some agonizing seconds, Midnight's whip resounded on the stadium.

"Because his opponent can't move anymore, the victory is for Todoroki Shouto from the Hero Course!" Yelled the woman to the stadium's public. And Hitomi felt like a puppet after its strings are cut.

It couldn't be. She didn't make it this far to lose this way! Not when the people out there were finally noticing her!

It was then that her opponent got closer.

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