Chapter 04 - Your Wish Is My Command

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“That's most interesting,” he declared. “A few weeks ago I kissed you in the presence of hundreds of people and you didn't even say a word. Why didn't you say something then?” Without waiting for her to answer he said, “Most people thought I was performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation but I was actually kissing you – passionately!”

She smiled lovingly and said, “If I was conscious I would have cherished every moment of it.” Then, they hugged and kissed until she playfully pushed him away saying, “Time out buddy! Whew! Don't you know that I need to come up for air sometimes?” They laughed and headed, hand in hand, for her car.

“Can we go to the church where you prayed for me?” she asked hopefully. With a gentle bow he said, “Your wish is my command, m'lady.” The small country church was a little dark that evening but they walked down the aisle together and entered the pew at the front of the church. On her knees, Maria closed her eyes and prayed, “Dear God, please look after Willie and keep him safe. If it is Your will, make it possible for us to worship You here together for the rest of our lives.”

She looked over and noticed that Willie was also on his knees with his eyes closed. His prayers started with, “Thank You Lord for helping Maria to recover from that terrible ordeal and for making it possible for her to spend some time with me today.” It ended with, “If it is Your will make it possible for us to worship You here together for the rest of our lives.”

As Maria quietly slipped her hand into his, the lights went on in the church and it startled them. Wondering if that was a celestial sign, an answer from the Most High God, he squeezed her hand and asked, “What did you say to cause Him to turn on the lights?” She replied, “It had to be something you said because my prayer was simply ... If it is Your will make it possible for us to worship You here together for the rest of our lives.”

Realizing that she had shared her innermost secret with Willie she blushed and looked away quickly. Astounded, he announced, “Me too! That's exactly what I prayed for!” He then paused and asked quietly, “Do you really mean that? Is that what you really want?” Still blushing, she said, “With all my heart! That's exactly what I want.”

Willie slipped off the pew, knelt beside her and cupping her hands in his, he said, “Maria, all I have to offer you is myself and my love and I am ready to give it all to you. Will you marry me?”

Her heart lunged forward but she restrained herself and said, “Willie, I think you are a truly brazen fellow, the very first time you met me you took my book. The next time you met me you kissed me in the presence of a large crowd and today you want to take my hand in marriage. Boy, you are a fast mover!” Smiling she asked, “Can I have some time to think about this before I answer?”

Hand-in-hand they walked quietly out of the church into the early evening. The sun had just slipped behind the cliff leaving a beautiful array of colors in the sky – a sight to behold. Maria snuggled into his chest and he draped his arms about her. After a long goodnight kiss he reluctantly opened the car door and playfully ushered her in. She kissed him again and sat in the car.

Blowing countless kisses to him she started the car and slowly left the parking lot. As she sped off Willie ran after her frantically waving his arm because he just realized that he asked her to marry him without even knowing her full name. “What if she never came back?” he mused. Then he chuckled when he realized that he was always frantically waving after her as she was leaving.

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