Chapter 15 - A Holiday To Remember

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Auntie Joan showed Maria around her flower garden while Uncle Eddie and Willie unloaded the suitcases from the car. As Willie placed the last suitcase on the stoop, he saw two squirrels chasing each other along the top of the backyard fence. “How many tails do you have?” he asked Uncle Eddie.

With a confused look, Uncle Eddie said, “One. I mean none. I mean what kind of question is that?” Willie pointed at the squirrels and said, “Squirrel tails!” Breathing a deep sigh of relief, Uncle Eddie said, “We don’t kill them here like the cocoa farmers do in Trinidad. We should though because they dig up every darn thing I plant in the garden. This year they dug up all my green onions.”

Uncle Eddie asked, “Did you know that squirrels are afraid of blackbirds?” Somewhat surprised, Willie asked, “Are you sure? There is no reason for them to be afraid of blackbirds.” Shaking his head knowingly, Uncle Eddie responded, “As strange as it sounds, the blackbirds chase after the squirrels and they run like hell.” Still doubtful, Willie replied, “This I have to see.”

As he said that, a pair of large mourning doves landed on a cedar tree in the corner of the backyard. “Quick, where is your sling shot?” he asked Uncle Eddie. “I don’t have one,” said Uncle Eddie. “Look at the size of those mountain doves,” gasped Willie. “When I was a kid we had to go into the woods to find them and here you have them right in your backyard.”

“First thing,” said Uncle Eddie. “We don’t shoot sling shots in the neighborhood and secondly, they are mourning doves not mountain doves.” Willie looked him in the eye and said, “Come again. What do you mean? They are the same doves we hunted when I was a kid.”

Uncle Eddie said, “Let’s go inside. We’ll check it out on the Internet.” As soon as they got inside the house Maria asked, “Where is it?” Somewhat shocked, Auntie Joan replied, “Where is what?” Smiling sheepishly she said, “Sorry. Where is the telephone? I must speak with my kids. This is the first time we are so far away from them.”

Auntie Joan pointed to the phone on the kitchen wall by the table where Uncle Eddie had a decanter of his best homemade red wine waiting to be poured. He removed the top and said, “Let the wine breathe for a few minutes before I pour it.” Freddie answered the phone, “What took you so long to call? Are you okay? Did Uncle …” Maria raised her hand as if he could see her and said, “Calm down Freddie. We are okay. We are with Uncle Eddie and Auntie Joan. I will call again but do let me speak with Teddy. Yes, I love you too.”

Uncle Eddie poured wine for everyone and made a toast saying, “Here’s to a holiday to remember. Auntie Joan and I took some time off from work to spend every waking moment with you.” This was somewhat different from what Maria and Willie had in mind but they were accustomed to being commandeered by family, especially those related to Auntie G.

After pouring a second glass of wine Willie said, “When are you going to show me the dove on the Internet?” Uncle Eddie reached for the power button on his desktop and said, “As soon as this thing roars to life.”

While the little green light flickered Willie asked, “How did you become dependent on the Internet?” As soon as the last word fell from his lips Willie realized that he had just unintentionally opened the door for another story from Uncle Eddie. He could almost hear Uncle Eddie saying, “I thought you would never ask.” Uncle Eddie said, “It had to do with a joke that came the very first time I used the Internet. I will never forget it.”

Topping off Willie glass, Uncle Eddie said, “It was about a diary from a Trini who came to live in Canada ...

October 8th -- We have arrived in Canada!!! Finally!! This marks a new chapter in our lives. It's very nice here. It's a little cool, but who needs HOT weather? This is perfect: Not too hot; not too cold.

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