Chapter 20 - The Boat Shed

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Willie and Maria were still in Toronto for Peter's twenty second birthday. It was the very first time that Maria would not there for his birthday. He wanted to wait until they returned but Alfie said, "Bloody hell, you are now an adult. You don't have to wait for your sister to celebrate your birthday. And, I already bought the cake. Now, just put on your birthday hat and your mother and I will sing Happy Birthday to you."

Peter would have none of it. He wanted to wait for his sister. Then the door bell rang. "Who could that be?" asked Lucy suspiciously. Looking through the peephole she announced, "It is Uncle Ralphie and Auntie G." When Lucy opened the door, Auntie G pushed past her and asked, "Where is the birthday boy? I want to give him a big kiss!" Before Peter could respond, Auntie G was all over him like a wet rag.

Alfie once again insisted that Peter don the shiny birthday hat and Auntie G heartily agreed. After the song and the cake Peter remembered that he promised to help Willie's dad with some work on his boat shed. Peter agreed to help because he thought his dad would let him use the car to go to Maracas but Alfie was adamant. "He is too irresponsible to drive on that North Coast road by himself," insisted Alfie.

"How then is he going to get to Maracas?" asked Lucy. "Public transportation!" was Alfie's curt reply. "Okay!" said Peter resignedly. "I'll take the bus to Maracas." The next morning Peter caught the 6 AM bus to Maracas Bay. He helped Paco all day with the shed and decided stayed overnight because he did not get a chance to go swimming.

After a hearty breakfast, Peter and Paco went fishing off the rocks and returned with a good catch for lunch. They had a fish fry before Peter left for the beach with a book and a large towel. Peter settled down in a shady spot to read and enjoy the peace and quiet. Before long, he was fast asleep. When he woke up he went swimming and expected to catch the last bus at 5 PM.

Riding over the crest of a huge swell Peter saw the bus go past the beach heading lazily up the hill towards the city. "Oh no," he cried. I must have slept longer than I though. "That is my bus going there!" He grabbed his things and headed for the nearby change room. "Now, I'll have to catch a taxi," he muttered quietly.

He waited patiently at the side of the road for a taxi. A man and his son joined Peter. "How often do the taxis go by," he asked. The man replied, "One should come along soon." A few minutes later, they saw two young ladies walking towards them. One was wearing a short skirt; the other was wearing tight fitting Jeans.

Peter could hardly believe his eyes; they were both gorgeous. When ladies arrived they asked, "Are you guys waiting for a taxi?" As if mesmerized, Peter committed a brazen act. He smiled warmly, extended his hand and introduced himself. "My name is Peter," he said. The ladies promptly introduced themselves. The one in the skirt said, "I am Mary," and pointing to her friend she said, "This is Pamela."

Pamela blushed and said, "My friends call me Sweet Pea." A broad smile filled Peter's face. "I like that name, may I call you Sweet Pea?" Before she could answer, the taxi arrived. It was a little Toyota. The man and his son took the front seats.

Like a gentleman, Peter opened the back door and ushered the ladies in. Mary went in first and Sweet Pea followed her. Peter climbed in after them and closed the door. He felt a little cramped but was excited to sit next to Sweet Pea. The little Toyota started up the hill towards the city and darkness slowly engulfed them as the driver cautiously negotiated the turns on the road.

On one sharp turn Sweet Pea leaned heavily on Peter. Enjoying the warmth of her body pressing on him he looked deeply into her eyes and smiled. On the next turn, he leaned heavily on her. The next time she leaned on him she slipped down in front of him and landed on his lap. He put one hand under her chest to help her up. She held onto his hand and kept it under her. He tried to pull his hand away but she held on tightly.

To his great surprise, she nibbled gently at his right thigh. He sat up straight and wondered what to do. She continued nibbling away and he felt his hand exploring around in her blouse. He felt one soft firm breast and cupped it in his hand. She nibbled a little more determined and he accepted it as an open invitation to search for the other breast. He felt her body rise slowly to allow his hand to continue searching. He tried to make eye contact with Mary but it was too dark.

At the junction by the Saddle, the driver turned right and headed towards La Seiva. After a few anxious moments Peter heard Mary say, "We'll stop by the first shop." The taxi slowed to a stop and the two young ladies alighted quietly. They paid the taxi driver and disappeared into the darkness. No good bye. No see you again. No nothing. Peter tried nervously to adjust his pants which were now bulging because of Sweet Pea's unexpected nibbling. Peter wondered if he would ever see her again.

That night, Peter lay in bed tossing and turning he wondered if it had really happened. "Was it just a dream?" he asked himself. "Did she really nibble my thigh?" He had to keep it all to himself as he could not discuss it with anyone. No one would believe him anyway. He wondered if he should go back to Maracas the next day. After a long while he finally fell into a fitful sleep.

As he slept, he dreamt that Sweet Pea had slipped into bed with him. She was dressed in a loose-fitting white lacy top and the shortest daisy duke he ever had so close to him. It revealed more than he had ever seen in his twenty-two years of life. She straddled him and removed her top to show the firm round breasts he had fondled in the cramped taxi.

Scared stiff, Peter wondered what his father would say about this situation. In that same moment he saw his father entering the room. Approaching the bed, Alfie said, "Bloody hell! What is going here? Get that immoral woman out of my house right now." Peter did not know what to do because Sweet Pea was busy removing his shirt as if she did not see his father standing there.

Peter looked at her pretty face and her curvaceous body and wondered what his mother would say. She immediately appeared in the doorway followed by Auntie G. His mother shrieked, "This is immoral! This is wrong! Alfie don't just stand there. Get that woman away from my son." Auntie G did not have to say anything. The scowl on her face spoke volumes.

Surprisingly, none of this seemed to have any effect on Sweet Pea who was now wiggling ecstatically. Peter wanted her so badly. He could feel the pressure slowly coming up his thighs but could not do anything in front of this crazed mob. He felt Sweet Pea's hand opening his pants and saw Auntie G swing into action. Peter sat up straight and shouted, "Get out of my room ... all of you. I am now a twenty-two-year-old adult and I need some privacy."

The bedroom swung door opened before Peter realized that he was alone in his bed. His mother and father burst into the room asking, "What's wrong? Who is in here with you? What kind of privacy do you need?"

After they left, Peter looked at the ceiling and smiled softly. "If only I could control of my dreams. I would have many more like this one – without my interfering parents and that scowling Auntie G.

The next day Lucy asked Peter, "Who is Pamela?" Hoping he did not talk during his dream he said, "I don't know any Pamela. Why are you asking?" Handing him a scrap of paper she said, "Because I found this in your shirt pocket when I took it out of the wash." Peter immediately knew that he had to go back to Maracas.

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