Chapter 09 - Bring Out The Liquor

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“Your little girl is getting married,” said Auntie G as she hugged Alfie. Pushing her away Alfie said, “Bloody hell! Ralphie, control your wife. Keep her away from me.”

“Well, I guess congratulations are in order!" offered Aunt Edith as she hugged Maria. “And, don’t worry about the church, Uncle Pete and I will decorate it.” Leaning back slightly, Maria said, “Thanks Aunt Edith but that won’t be necessary.”

“Well, I’m your auntie and I insist on decorating the church. If I can’t decorate the church, Uncle Pete and I will be on vacation far away from here.” Maria hugged Aunt Edith and said, “We don’t have to decorate the church because we are getting married on the beach.”

Alfie fell off his chair again. From the ground he said, “Bloody hell! What a crazy idea? Who ever heard about getting married on the beach? I could never agree with that. If you want to get married to Mr. Kissinger it has to be in the church or your mother and I will be going on that vacation with your Aunt Edith and Uncle Pete.”

“But Alfie,” declared Auntie G. “A few minutes ago you thought a wedding on the beach was a great idea. You were going to wear your swimming trunks and look at all the girls in their swimsuits. What happen now?” Without waiting for a reply she hugged Maria and said, “A wedding on the beach is a great idea! Why didn’t I think of that when I met your Uncle Ralphie?”

Lucy and Aunt Edit joined in and hugged Maria and Auntie G. Uncle Pete said, “This calls for a celebration. Bring out some liquor!” With eyes opened wide Alfie said, “Bloody hell! Do you know what time it is? No one is getting liquor to celebrate because I don’t approve of this wedding on the beach.”

Uncle Ralphie went over to Alfie, placed his hand on Alfie’s shoulder and said, “Come with me little brother, we need to talk!” Walking out of the kitchen, Uncle Ralphie looked back and raised his hand as if he was drinking a shot. Auntie G understood his signal and reached for the bottle of Tequila that Alfie kept under the kitchen sink.

Auntie G poured large shots for everyone while Lucy and Edith got the salt and lime for the Tequila. The Doolpers were ready to party even though it was still dark outside. Alfie came back into the kitchen with his two hands in the air, “Listen up folks,” he said. “We are going to have a wedding and it is going to be a grand occasion.”

Maria sniffled as she rushed into Alfie’s arms saying, “Thank you daddy. You are the greatest! I love you. I love you. I love you.” Lifting her up Alfie replied, “Bloody hell! I know. I know. I know. But when are we going to meet Mr. Kissinger and his parents. I mean, when are we going to meet my new son-in-law and his parents?”

Smiling she replied, “Next Saturday should be fine. I’ll tell Willie today.” Alfie looked at Auntie G and asked, “Will you be coming to meet them … with those unsightly things in your hair?” Auntie G smiled and said, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world!”

Everyone was well dressed for the occasion and Lucy made her best pasta dishes for Willie and his family. Aunt Edit made her favorite dessert and Auntie G provided the fresh salad. Alfie brought up bottles of rum, scotch and homemade wine from the cellar. Before they arrived Alfie reminded Peter to be of his best behavior. Auntie G cautioned, “If not, you’ll be going on Aunt Edith’s vacation instead of the wedding.”

Willie introduced his parents as Paco and Brenda Cristo. Maria took Willie by the arm and introduced him to each member of her family. When they got to Auntie G, she sneakily pushed Maria away and holding on to Willie’s hands she blushed and asked, “Will you marry me instead?” Alfie stepped forward and said, “Bloody hell! Willie you’ll need a strong drink before you could answer that question.”

The Cristos enjoyed the evening with the Doolpers. For Willie’s parents, it was love at first sight when they met Maria. The feeling was mutual when the rest of the Doolper family met the handsome young lifeguard who saved Maria’s life only a few weeks before. Even though this was their first official meeting the men got together over Alfie’s homemade wine as if they had known each other for a very long time.

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