Chapter 07 - Where Is Your Father?

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Looking up to the ceiling Maria said, “Mom. This is serious, we only have a few weeks!” Walking towards the window her mom asked, “A few weeks for what honey?” With a deep sigh she answered, “For the wedding mom. The wedding! That is why I can’t sleep.”

Pulling up a chair across from Maria, her mom mused loudly, “I don’t even know this man but she is getting married to him in a few weeks.” Before Maria could say anything they heard the floor squeak in the hallway again. “Shh!” whispered Lucy, “We don’t want your father getting a heart attack here.”

Walking groggily through the door Alfie asked, “Who is getting married? Is it that good for nothing Peter? Bloody hell! Did he get that skinny girl pregnant?” Getting up to meet him, Lucy said, “Our son is not good for nothing. He is a fine, respectable young man just like his father. He did not get anyone pregnant and he is not getting married. Why don’t you just go back to bed? We have a big day tomorrow.”

Lucy tried to lead him out of the kitchen but he turned around and said, “Bloody hell! I know what I heard. Someone is getting married and I want to know if we are invited.” Without thinking or waiting Maria declared, “Yes dad, you and mom are invited to the wedding but this one is going to be different, very different. It will be held on the beach.” Slapping his hand on the table he declared, “Finally, someone got the nerve to do something different. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

As Lucy said, “Keep it down Alfie, you’ll wake up Peter,” he rushed into the kitchen and knocked over the little table with the vegetables. “What was that loud noise? Why are you all here in the kitchen at this hour? Is dad sick? Should I get the car?” Grabbing the phone on the wall he dialed 911 and before anyone could stop him he frantically bellowed, “Quick! Send an ambulance to 104 Cherry Lane. My father is sick!”

He tried to place the phone on the hook but it fell off and the busy tone came on. Lucy led him to a nearby chair and said, “Calm down Peter. No one is sick; just calm down son.” He tried to stand up but Alfie shouted, “Sit Peter! Sit!”

Lucy placed her two hands on her head to calm the throbbing headache and looking at Maria she said, “Maria, don’t you have something to say to your father and your brother?” As she leaned forward to begin, they heard sirens and saw red flashing lights. “It looks like they are coming into our driveway,” declared Peter. “Of course they are coming into our driveway, you moron,” glared Alfie. “You just dialed 911, what do you expect?”

Alfie opened the front door and two paramedics rushed past him with a stretcher in hand, “Where is your father?” they asked. Without waiting for an answer they rushed upstairs. Peter tried to get up but Lucy stared at him and he quietly settled back in the chair. As the emergency crew was leaving, Auntie G pushed one of them over while making her way through the door. “Was it food poisoning? Was it something you gave Alfie to eat?” she asked.

Maria had to act quickly because she could not risk having her mother too close to the accusing Auntie G. Showing her to a chair at the opposite end of the table she said, “It’s OK Auntie G, everything is OK. No one is sick.”

The doorbell rang as Auntie G asked, “Then why was the police and ambulance and fire truck here?” Alfie opened the door again and found Uncle Ralphie leaning breathlessly on the wall.

“Bloody hell! What are you doing here at this hour of the night or morning or whatever it is?” asked Alfie. “I’m here because Auntie G said something bad is happening at your house and she took off down the street. Is she here?” Alfie reached out, held his older brother by the arm and said, “Come in from the night air, it is not good for you.”

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