Ch 2. This is what I get for helping a drunk...

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WARNING! For 18+ only. GOT IT!? >:( (Also has rape in this chapter)

Jude's POV

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Hey baby, sorry but I have to cancel our tonight's date. Work. But u understand right?

What the hell! Right before I'm about to meet Mr. and (soon-to-be) Mrs. Adams I received the message from my boyfriend Henry in my cell and damn it! This is the fifth time i've been stood up! Does he have any idea how hard it was to make a reservation at Le Bernardin!! He also knew that we have no time for "us" because we're immersed with our jobs.

Bzzzz! You got 190 NEW MSGS!

Fuck! Now I have new clients! I swear if I get another stress my boiling point would explode.

"Ummmmm, maybe a raspberry color for the curtains and maybe some pink bouquets for the centerpiece?"

You have got to...- While you were mulling over the colors this is your choice!? "Raspberry? Pink?" I could inwardly hear the tick-tock in my head. "You're kidding right? Please say you are." I begged before I lost my temper.

"So I guess no?" Miss Chelsea warily asked.

"Of course no! Any color would've been fine but those colors you chose are not elegant or doesn't match you at all!" Yes, I yelled at my client. How could I be so rude and forget the main priority of business, always treat your customers well. But alas I messed up.

"Hey! Leave my fiance alone you bastard!" The man roared at me.

I glared at him. Who the hell does he think he is to get all mighty when this is my job. Blake Adams that's who. The groom who can't stray his eyes off his wife. The first time I met him I knew he was a pigheaded insensitive frat boy who's addicted to booze, boobs and ass (yuck!). He was a strong guy and compared to my five-foot seven he was about a six foot. Soft chestnut colored eyes, short dirty blonde hair, and he's twenty-four years old-just one year older than me.

"Blake it's Ok." Chelsea protected me instead of her husband. She told him how I was right and to let me take care of it. I screwed up big time. I was selfishly thinking of my own problems and I wasted unleashing my pent-up frustration at them.

"I'm sorry." I apologized wholeheartedly. "I shouldn't have shouted at you, I was just stressed because I have new clients waiting and also others that I'm suppose to meet." And my boyfriend can't keep his promise to me. I added in my mind.

Chelsea understood me but Blake didn't bought it (well just a little). Eventually, he put out his hand for a truce but I told them to forget it and gave my design idea. Chelsea jumped in joy and Blake was just glad that his bride was happy.

I'm grateful for my job. Making couples on the positive side is always my best doing and it stays that way. Like Henry and me. We've been dating for three years and there was never a conflict between us, we are in love, no flaws or bad habits, plenty of good sex, I must say we're just perfect. There's only one tiny problem...

WHERE THE HELL IS MY PROPOSAL!!! Three years and Henry hasn't given a ring or popping the question "will you marry me?"! Must I Jude Landers professional wedding planner give away some hints to make it easy!?

I cringed as the couple kissed with passion. Jealousy, envy, desire? Yes, I always felt it since the day I became a planner. Mr. Adams saw me and in a flash I put on a impassive face.

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