Ch 4. Not your type? Impossible!

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Blake's POV

"Hey babe!" Chelsea greeted warmly once I walked inside our room. She was in a bathrobe looking refreshed and scenting smell of shampoo and body wash drifted up my nose.

"Did you took a shower without me?"

"Yep." I sulked at that. "Oh come on, you were at Jude's place."

How did she know that? Wait, did that rat told her!? So I asked calmly, "How'd you know?"

She hesitated unsure whether she should tell or not. "Don't hate me but I asked a favor if he could pick you up and stay at his place."

"What! Why?" My ears must be deceiving me. I can't believe it was her idea and now look what happened, I fucked a man last night! "I could've slept here with you!"

"I know, but I can't tolerate when your too drunk."

"It's not like I abused you." I defended.

"Yes but who knows! Your body just moves on its own and wrecks everything even to a person!"

"That is not true! And if so how could you let a stranger handle my care?!"

"Oh so it's my fault!?! Fine, then let me remind you the past of your mishaps. Remember the time when you injured your brother on Christmas two years ago? And the time when you were partying at Alpha fraternity you ran naked on the street. Oh, there's also the fact you've slept with my cousin."

She went on and on, nagging tales of my heavy drinking situation. Women, are they always like that? Trying to bring up the past so that our pride completely crumbles down and let them win? So I had some unpleasant misfortunes with my drunkenness but can't she just let bygones be bygones?

"Are you listening!? Did you even heard a single word I said?!"

Oh if I could shut her up by telling about last night I can relax for one whole day without complaining. But since I'm marrying to her and it's a special day I had to bite my tongue to hold my retort.

"I'm sorry baby you're right." I went on to embrace her but she pushed me back. Wait, what! She pushed away a hug? That's a first time that happened! Usually she would forget the argument and contently snuggle in my arms. Now I have to deal another war from her!

"Sorry doesn't count unless you meant it!" She snapped. Gosh, is it time of the month for her or did she woke up on the wrong side of the bed? "You're never changed your habits and you want me to keep pretending it's trivial?"

"Hey!" I shouted. Enough is enough! You want to add fuel to the fire? Well you had it coming bitch! "If I remember correctly wasn't it you who said "yes" to my proposal, huh! Wasn't it you who said "I love you" back when I told how much you meant to me!? Don't blame me that I'm not perfect you imagined, you can leave through that door and we can cancel everything we've planned!"

That ought to defeat her! You didn't saw it coming did you! Ha ha, whose winning now! Bet your super crushed that I backfired you!

While I was gloating my victory Chelsea slowly broke down in tears. Her lips quivered in a whimper, eyes displayed of hurt and glistening wet. Then she bawled loudly-I wouldn't be surprised the rooms next to us barge in to see the commotion.

Shit, I have to sugar my way to stop her! "Honey, I was kidding! You know I never say that! Come on you're my moon and I'm your sun, my other half to the puzzle, Brad and Angelina?"

Convincing didn't work. Chelsea slapped me and shut the bedroom door alone with the clicking sound of the lock. I panicked in alarm as I frantically pound the door. Why, just why is this turning my worst day! What did I do to deserve this!

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