Secret Crush

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Mon-el POV

We were back at Kara's apartment, we had already finished the potstickers and pizza and were in the middle of a movie. I wasn't really paying attention to the movie though, my mind was occupied with Kara, I couldn't stop thinking about her. It was like every time I tried to think of something else, something would remind me of her, it was an endless circle leading back to Kara. "Hey." She said looking up at me. "Mmh?" Her words snapping me back to reality. "Thanks for not pushing me about Adam." She said. I looked at her, "Adam?" I said a little confused. "Oh!" She said chuckling, "my ex, his name was Adam. I guess I never told you that." I shook my head. "No problem."

She smiled and what she did next did NOT help my thoughts at all. She put her feet up on the couch and placed her head on my lap. I was bewildered. I didn't know where to put my hands or even if I should put my hands down because they were so sweaty. My face was probably the colour of Kara's suit, thank god she was looking at the tv. Why am I so nervous? I'm never this way with Kara. No, no, no Kara's just a friend, nothing more. She's my buddy! Not my... what did Winn call it? Lrush? No that's not it, crush! She's not my crush, is she? "Your the best, you know that?" She said. And just the sound of her voice calmed me down. "Ya I know." I put one hand on the arm rest and the other on her back.

The past few days were the same. These thoughts wouldn't go away. Every time I saw her I got this weird feeling in my stomach, it felt like something was fluttering, to try and put it into words. All I could say was I never felt this way before. I didn't know humans had all these feelings. With each passing day what I felt grew stronger. I want to hold her, kiss her, be with her, but she was my friend, my best friend. I didn't want to mess that up and I didn't want to make her feel weird, so I didn't say anything.

I was trying to use this thing called a phone? I don't know but it was so confusing, how do people use these things? Anyway I tried to take a backwards picture which is apparently called a selfie with Kara and this tiny tv thing malfunctioned and the screen went black. "What the hell? I've been using this thing all day and it never did this?" I made a face at the little machine and it made Kara laugh, then... "Hey, Supergirl! Bank robbery on main!" J'ohn yelled. She turned to me, "duty calls." I smiled. "Go save the world!" She rolled her eyes and flew off. "Winn? I need help with this tiny tv thing again." He walked in and grabbed it from me. "It's called a phone Mon-el, well this was an easy answer. It's dead." I gasped. "Can we still save it? Someone get a doctor!" Winn looked at me funny. "No, no it just needs to be charged." I sighed. "Thank god." Winn shook his head at me and stabbed it with this white cord, then put it down and gave me another funny look. I looked around thinking maybe it wasn't for me but when I turned to him again he was still staring. "What? Did I spill something on myself?" He laughed. "No it's just-.... never mind." He turned. "What? It's just what?" I need to know what he said. "It's nothing." I rolled my eyes. "It doesn't sound like nothing to me!" He put his IPad down and looked at me. "You and Kara is what." I laughed and I know I sounded stupid but that's all I could say. "Laugh all you want, but I know lovey dovey eyes when I see them." I sat. "I have no idea what your talking about." He gave me a look that I think meant he didn't believe me. He started to scroll through his IPad, he turned it to a picture of Kara and Alex at the beach, it looked like a recent photo, Kara was stunning. First time I saw her with a bun in her hair, and she looked gorgeous in a bathing suit. I just stared. "Ha, see I was right." I blinked back and said, "Right about what?" He placed the thing down and leaned over, "you have a little bit a drool right there." I took my hand and wiped my mouth. "No, I, I don't! Really...... ok maybe a little?" He smiled, "ya I know I've noticed, everyone has.... except Kara.

Kara's POV

The bank robbery was pretty easy, as usual. You would think that after a while they would stop trying to use guns on me, but they never do. "Kara?" Alex said over the earpiece. "Yup, just finished up here, everything good?" I responded. "Mostly, you just have one more thing to do before coming back." I was surprised, today had been pretty quiet and now, Bam. Crime everywhere. "There's a cat stuck in a tree three blocks from you." I smiled. "On it."

The past few days had been relatively good, but Mon-el has been acting kinda strange. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I feel really close to him, and I really love that... and I think I love him to. When I got back Mon-el and Winn were both acting strange. I just shrugged it away though. "Nice work out there today Supergirl." J'ohn said as he walked in the room. "Thank you, but it was quite an easy run today." I smiled, and walked into the training hall.

I wasn't really training today, I was just practicing my flying tricks for the fun of it, if J'ohn found out what I was actually using some of my training time for he would probably kill me. I was flipping when I heard the door open and for some odd reason I hid in the closet under the staircase. Why did I do that? I don't know, but I'm gonna stick with it cause it would look weird if I just randomly walked out of the closet. I heard footsteps walking down the stairs as I tried to be as quiet as possible. Then I heard the door open and a second pair of footsteps walked down the stairs. "Is she in here?" One of them said. Wait... that sounded like Winn? "No, she must have left earlier." And that sounded like...Mon-el? Were they talking about me? "So? What do I do about Kara?" Mon-el said, I think. So yes, they were definitely talking about me, I should go out there, but I wanna hear what they are going to say! So I stay. "I don't know? Tell her the truth?" The truth? About what? "I could but, I don't want to put her in the spot. Or make her feel weird." What? I am so confused. Alex came over my earpiece, "greatest possible time Alex!" I mumbled to myself. "Kara? Where are you?" I didn't answer, I couldn't or they would hear me. "You will never know unless you ask." Winn said to Mon-el. Ask what? I know it is kinda stalker-ish when you are in a closet listening in on your two of your best friends, one who may possibly be your secret crush, talk about you. But I couldn't just leave. "No, telling her that I like her like that might mess everything up." Wait a second, WhAt? I moved a little closer to the door, not entirely sure why, I do have super hearing, but I fell onto a box. They both went quiet. "Did you hear that?" Winn said. "Definitely. It came from the closet." I heard them both walk over to the door and before I could move someone opened it.

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