ONE| Izuku lost the cat and now he's dead

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Welcome to the first chapter! Thank you for clicking. I hope you enjoy reading  this chapter. And let's pray you can look past all the spelling mistakes it'll have:p Not that anybody  cares, but there's so many versions to this story that I've written. I just couldn't stop thinking and changing. Though, I settled for this one. I think I made the right choice and I hope you guys think the same. Although you haven't read the other versions so you'll never know......Okay I'm done! Enjoy!

Chapter one - Izuku lost the cat and now he's dead

"You know why you're here, Juno," Aizawa drawled. A menacing look she'd never seen on the scruffy looking man before. It was quite amusing and terrifying. "What are we gonna do Juno? Uh? You've done it now. Joining the league of villains! Infiltrating the school! Trying to kill All Might,"

She scoffed. Like hell she'd join the league of villains. She'd probably take a swan dive from the highest building, like Katsuki had suggested to her, before teaming up with villains. That seemed like trouble. Trouble mixed with unpleasantness. Besides it sounded like hard work. Attacking the UA? trying to kill Allmight? Yeah that sounded troublesome.

"I promised your mother I'd take care of you Juno, but your magnetism to trouble is making it quite hard to keep it, " Aizawa muttered. He didn't have, nor wanted the energy for this. All he really wanted was to close himself up in his sleeping back and take a nap. He didn't even understand why Nezu specifically wanted him interrogate her- well he knew why. But still, he didn't have a lie detecting quirk like Tsukauchi. Sure he had keen intellect. But he knew it wouldn't be much help and Tsukauchi would make the process much faster and end much quicker.

"Look, let's just try to get this over with. I'm gonna find a way to get you out of this mess. So just answer this. Why did you join the league of villains."

The girl only blinked. She wasn't even part of the league. Even if she wanted to, which she didn't, but even so she had her own dilemma. She was a bit preoccupied with finding her friend's neighbor's missing cat to join any type of leagues. That cat was the sole reason she was in this mess. Well technically Izuku for losing the cat and asking her to find her for him. Still, it was the cat's fault. Oh God, it was both of their faults.

"Juno, not talking is gaining you nothing," Aizawa muttered.

"And talking will?" The girl grumbled, finally uttering her first words. Talking would probably help in not going to prison. But it wouldn't help to prevent Aizawa's famous smack in the head she'd get every time she found herself in a troublesome situation.

"What you did was dangerous,"

She snorted internally. Hilarious. The only dangerous thing she'd be doing is strangling Izuku Midoriya. He just had to lose Ms.Tanka's cat. He just had too. "I didn't do it on purpose," She was kidnapped into the league, accidentally sure, but she was still kidnapped. "I joined by accident, well technically I didn't join. I was more like kidnapped into the league but you get the gist," she grimaced. "Also, what the fuck happened to you? You're practically a mummy with all those bandages. Can you even see?"

He sighed. "how?" Is all he got out. Why couldn't he get peace?

"A cat," was all she answered and he didn't need a further explanation. He had learned that Juno got into these types of situations in the most simple or bizarre way. And somehow he always managed to bail her out. Of course she'd have consequences to pay. He'd think of some sort of punishment after a well needed nap.

"Of course" he droned "A cat," He'll need Tsukauchi.  And a whole week to nap. "Look, I know how to get you out so wait here got it? And don't get into any more trouble for the love of God,"

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