SIX| Avoid being paralyzed for life and strike a deal

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Chapter six -  Avoid being paralyzed for life
and strike a deal

The weekend went by way to fucking fast. That's what Juno thought at least. She didn't want to deal with training. Or Bakugo. For sure he'd give her hell.

Her date with Kaminari was alright. His thoughts weren't. Boy had some severe brain damage. His thoughts were jumbo jumbo. All over the damn place and they were shocking. Literally. The amount of times his thought shocked her tiny brain were painful to admit. He killed the only two brain cells she had. And through all that electrical energy surging through his brain he had complimented her boobs once or twice. It took everything in Juno to not smack him across the face. He wasn't bad as Mineta though. No, he wasn't even close to Mineta. The little shit was too fucking perverted .

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Midoriya timidly asked.


"It's gonna hurt."

"No shit! But I don't care."

Midoriya raised his hand, holding a hammer above her hand. Juno had come to the conclusion breaking her hand would be the way out of the sports festival. She understood perfectly it was an opportunity of a life time but she didn't give a fuck. She had no interest in becoming a hero therefore no need to participate. She'd probably get killed during the event. Flashy quirks like Bakugou or Todoroki's could easily wipe her out. So she rather only have one broken bone than be paralyzed for life. "Alright Izuku let's do this!" She beamed.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Nope!" Of course it wasn't! It had come from Juno's brain. It was far from smart or safe. But she kinda blamed it on Kaminari. The boy killed any centered notion in her mind.

"Then why are we doing this?!?" He yelped.

"Because silly! I don't want to participate in the sports festival. This is the only way..." Juno had asked Midoriya to use his quirk on her but the boy would also end up with a broken bone and he wanted to participate in the festival, so that idea was thrown out the window. Legitimately. She wrote it on a piece of paper but Midoriya had reminded her of the downfall of his quirk. So she shucked the paper out the window.

Midoriya's hand slacked, hammer in hand. "I can't." The idea of hurting her, even with her consent, brought terror. He was supposed to keep her from harms away. Not break her hand!

"Izuku," she huffed "just do it before anyone comes." By anyone she meant Aizawa or Kayama. Those two managed to pop out of nowhere. Not to mention they were in the corner of the faculty room. Juno knew it wasn't the best place. Teachers walked in and out. But it was the only room where students weren't permitted and the only somewhat secluded room.

"I really can't Juno," He mumbled. Juno squinted her eyes. Who else would be willing to break her arm? Maybe Bakugou? She'd have to get him alone and really piss him off. But that was too troubling. So maybe Yaoyorozu? Nah to nice. Iida? Iida was too, what's the word? She had no idea. Point is he wouldn't do it and Uraraka was out of the question. Oh maybe Kaminari? He's weakness were the ladies and if she had a little flirtation to her words he'd do it. But that would send him singles wouldn't it?

"Listen Midoriya," Her tone was serious. Too serious. His grip on the hammer tightened. She had called him by his last name. Not a good sign. Nope! Not one bit. "You owe me. I'm in this school because of you and your cat troubles so help me God, you're going to use that hammer to shatter my hand. Understood?"

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