TWO| Aizawa walks too fast and Juno has bald spots

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Chapter two - Aizawa walks to fast and Huno has bald spots

"For fucking sakes! Why must you walk so damn fast Shota?"

Not less than 24 hours had the man been practically demolished. His bones were crushed and his eyesight was somewhat affected. He had just gotten out of surgery and there he was, up and about. Juno seriously wanted to know how he somehow found the strength to walk at such a fast pace. Because even on her best days she felt like shit .

His appearance frightened adults and children left and right. The man was practically a walking crippled mummy. And she guessed having a teenage girl, who looked like she had been through the deepest part of hell wasn't helping the looks they were receiving.

"I'm not, you're just walking slow."

"Well I'll inform you, people who walk slow are much much happier than people who walk fast," she countered. She had read an article a couple of weeks ago about fast paced walkers. She thought it was stupid to define someone's happiness by the way they walked but now that she had countered a person who walked fast, she was more opened minded to believing it.

"I would be happy if I were taking a nap," He hissed "but, we need your uniform and ID." All he ever wanted was peace and quiet for himself. Was that too much to ask for?

"I say we skip all that. I mean come on, do you really need me to enroll in UA. I'm sure there's a person with a mind reading quirk and would get the job done much faster." She wasn't lying. Her quirk could help a bit but a quirk that allows the person into people's thoughts would just demolish the traitor. Unlike her, she'd probably take a whole semester to cross people out of the suspect list. Her quirk was just as slow as her.

"Don't go trying to find a way out Juno, Nezu requested you specifically. Your quirk is far beyond a mind reading quirk." It was one of the many reasons Aizawa offered a recommendation to the girl. It could be used for good or bad. She had complete control over a person. Practically making a person a puppet. Though all Juno used it for was for trouble. "And look at it this way, I'll be able to have a closer eye on you."

"That's not convincing," she sulked, making Aizawa's lips twitch upwards. Something that was rare for the man. And it always seemed to happen when Juno was around. But that was something he'd never say out loud.


Juno trudged up the stairs to the hallway that branched out to each resident's respected apartment. She sulked behind Aizawa, dragging her uniform as they walked through the hallway.

She wasn't going to lie, she hated the uniform. Juno wondered how it was even allowed for girls to wear a skirt that short. And why did they have to wear that God awful tie. She didn't even know how to tie a tie properly. She'd probably choke herself in the process considering her luck. The only piece she tolerated was the blazer. It wasn't ugly and it wasn't pretty either but it was the most decent piece of the uniform.

Still, her dislike for the uniform was extreme. She pondered on just showing up at school in regular clothes. Even though she had been warned not to— actually more threatened than warned, by Kayama. Who had shown up completely out of the blue. Juno wouldn't admit it aloud but the women frightened her to death. Her dominating height of 5'7 and along with her long ass whip were enough to send Juno running the other direction. But she knew she wasn't all bad. She had decent qualities that Juno admired and adored. She was practically an older sister to Juno. Always bossing her, not like Aizawa bossed her but enough to make Juno want to smack her across the face. Of course she'd never dare.

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