THREE| Kayama's comments aren't needed and Aizawa is dramatic

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Before you start reading I'd just like to let you know that I didn't move Mineta out of 1-A. Though I know a lot of you would have liked that. I didn't because (i know I should) I felt bad. Please don't kill me ! But the point is I moved him towards the back. He seats right behind Momo were he can't do any damage or were he can be a pervert all by himself.

Chapter three - Kayama's Comments aren't needed and Aizawa is dramatic

Juno pulled on her short skirt grumbling curses once it bounced back up. She had stockings under but it still irritated her how it barely passed her bum, barely scraping her thigh. It was annoying. It was more annoying than the tie that was suffocating her. The whole uniform in general pissed her off. Even the blazer, the one piece she thought was decent, just madden her.

"Would you stop whining! You're annoying me."

"I wouldn't be using that tone with me mummy face" Juno snapped, eyes narrowed. "You don't understand the struggle."

Aizawa only gave her a flat look, as he limped next to her. It was no surprise to her that he didn't stay home and rest like the doctor ordered. He was stubborn as her. Although she did find it puzzling that the man wasn't a bit more worried about being late. Wasn't he the teacher? Shouldn't he be setting an example? It had been a few minutes since the the bell rang for homeroom and there he was, taking his sweet time. She wasn't exactly complaining though. Juno wasn't particularly excited to join her new class or classmates. The size of the school kinda crushed her curiosity. The school was bigger than she had imagined it to be. Of course she hadn't expected it to be tiny like her old school. But when she was faced with the building in person she kinda wanted to run the other way.

She was thankful they hadn't entered through the main gate where most students entered. Aizawa led her through the faculty door which was much less crowded and less intimidating. However, she bumped into Kayama. And as always the women pulled on her hair to creat a fluffy looking pony. Not a way she wanted to start her morning or her day in general. She did love Kayama. She really did but it was just something about having to hear Kayama nagging about how she never polished up that just annoyed Juno. She already knew she looked like shit. Juno was no stranger to a mirror. She didn't need the pro hero to rub it in her face. Sure,the lady had good intentions with her remarks. But still, they weren't needed. But she was thankful. Her hair was something she never learned nor wanted to learn how to manage. It was to damn curly for its own good.

"Well Juno, this is class 1-A" Aizawa gestured towards a large, heavy looking door.

Juno gripped the straps of her backpack. Jesus Christ, kill her now. She'd have to socialize with people, look at them directly in the eyes. Izuku Midoriya would suffer a painfully slow death.

Aizawa gave her nod and opened the door. "Morning class," he grumbled.


Juno gulped as she felt her heart pound against her rib cage. The screaming was something she was not prepared for. Her ears weren't prepared and now she was sure she heard a ringing sound. Class 1-A sure was loud. She followed him into the class. Hearing comments about how he didn't look alright made Juno snort internally.

"My well-being is irrelevant," he muttered as he limped towards the front of the class. And it took everything in Juno not to roll her eyes. Did he always have to be so dramatic? "What's more important is that your fight isn't over it. But you'll know about it later,"

Juno bit the inside of her cheek once all eyes had seemed to notice her standing there, with a resting bitch face on. Probably not the best first impression if she was to befriend these people. But smiling caused wrinkles and resting bitch face didn't. Not that she cared. It was just her excuse.

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