NINE|Sato gave Juno a funny brownie

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Hey peeps. I know I gave a whole ass speech about starting over and what not buttttttt I've gotten a few messages that've changed my view on things. My mind was so set on that this story was a replication of mind boggled and a few people have opened my mind a bit. So this story is back on even though it was gone for not even 24 hours 🤪.  I'd like to thanks those who encouraged me not to start over. That seriously means the world to me. I still haven't decided if I'll change a few things  but that will probably happen once I'm half way done with this book. Anyways with out an further or do enjoy the chapter that was meant to be published yesterday 🥰

Also........Do I even have to say it.......not edited!

Chapter nine ~ Sato gave Juno a funny brownie

A week.

It had only been a week since Juno had shattered her arm and had to wear a crappy cast. Only a week and she felt herself slowly lose her mind. Showering was just a pain in the ass and it made her debate if it was worth even washing herself up. Seriously. She had two weeks more to go. She wouldn't make it without going marbles, BIZARRE! She was close to asking Kaminari to electrocute her.

Her broken arm wasn't even an excuse for getting out stuff. She still had to participate in class activities because her 'dominate ' hand was still functioning.

"I'm sorry what?"  Juno heard what Aizawa said. It was just that she was slow. And she honestly thought she heard wrong. There was no way those words came from him. Maybe she also damaged her head from the fall. She'd have to check with recovery girl. Maybe get a lollipop or two while she was there.

"You won't be participating in the sports festival," Aizawa stated. If it was up to him he would have sent her, broken arm or not but present mic was just getting to damn annoying. He was causing an unnecessary headache. He was too tired to deal with one. He wasn't even sure if Yamada had requested her removal from the festival because it came genuinely from his heart or because Juno had threatened to fill his apartment with bugs. He wouldn't put it past her. Actually, could be both honestly. "You'll be a nuisance."Aizawa couldn't help roll his eyes at the sparkle that radiated around Juno. It reminded him of Aoyama.

Juno didn't even take offense to his direct blunt diss. She tackled the man into a bone crushing hug. "Have I ever mentioned how much I love you."

Aizawa grunted in response. Juno was clinging onto his neck like a monkey on a tree. "Get off."

Juno gave him one last squeeze before she twirled around the teachers lounge. She received a look from a thirteen and  snipe who happened to be passing by. But she didn't give two cucumbers. She was too happy! Whatever made Aizawa change his mind was a blessing. The festival was next week and she had been praying hard. If with both hands she was at a disadvantage imagine with one. Her mind had already created different ways she could die depending on the quirk. Momo could just create a knife and stab her. That would be the end of that. Actually, was that even allowed? Whatever, the point is she could be stabbed to death by momo. Todoroki could simply just freeze her to death or burn her to death. Either one.

Bakugou...she didn't even wanna think about that one. He had too many scary possibilities. Mina could melt her with her acid. Ochako could just float her to space. Ojiro could smack her really hard with his tail and she was done for. The only possibility she had no chance of dying was with Mineta. She could just smack him really hard and he'd go flying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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