Chapter 6 - Letters

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Authors Note:
I've just updated the last chapter please check it out. It's only I minor change in the story but I find that it makes more sense like this.
Also guys this story will be quite long
Word count : 2715

~lets check on the guild~
~Mira POV~

Lucy thank god you're ok, you got us so worried. We miss you so much.

We got back to the guild

Mira - hey Liz is master in his office!

Lisanna - yeah he is, why?

Mira - I just need to talk to him.

Lisanna - ok.

I walk into masters office

*Knock knock*

Mira - hi master

Makarov - ah Mira what brings you up here

I close the door

Mira - it's to do with Lucy

Makarov - I see that you've caught on

Mira - quite a few to be honest master but don't worry I covered for you

Makarov - I see, thank you

Mira - of course but that's not what I wanna talk to you about...

Makarov looks at me

Mira - me and a few others encountered her a little while ago

Makarov - where is she? Is she doing alright?

Mira - she's fine, but she gave us these letters.

I hand them over, 11 in total. One for the guild, the master, Wendy, Gray, the exceeds, Erza, Levy, Gajeel, Liz, me and Natsu

But why to him?

Makarov - let's go out and hand these out

We go out of the office, we went onto the stage master getting everyone's attention.

Makarov - oi you brats listen up!

Natsu - yo Gramps what's up?

Mira - shut up Natsu.

Makarov - thank you Mira. As you all know recently a member of our guild has presumably gone on a mission by herself.

Lisanna - oh, do you mean Lucy?

Levy - what do you mean presumably? She did go on a mission right, Mira?

Makarov - yes and no. Lucy did go on a mission but not the mission you're thinking about my child.

Levy - what does that mean?!

Makarov - Lucy our former celestial mage..

Guild *whispers and murmurs* - former?

Makarov - yes our former celestial mage has left the guild.

Levy - but why master

Levy started bursting out in tears and Gajeel tries to calm her

Makarov - she's left because of how she's been treated, in and outside the guild. None of you fools realised what she's had to deal with and you only made things worse!

The guild went silent. Some looked down in dispair.

Makarov - we have recently encountered her.

Gajeel & Levy - where was she!

Mira - in the woods just outside of magnolia.

Makarov - she's given us some letters so shut up and listen you brats! Mira will hand out the letters to each person. There is a letter for the whole guild, listen carefully because this will be the only time you hear it.

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