Chapter 1

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The first thing I heard was the monotonous beep of the machines. A sanitised smell washed over me as I slowly came to my senses, this was definitely a hospital. Breathing to my left, irregular, calm, one person. Shuffling to my right, a curtain being pulled, muffled voices became louder. I opened my eyes and squinted at the bright fluorescent lights. The person to my left had concentration lining her tight face. The folder she was reading was leather black to match her crisp pinstriped suit. The photo at the top was a headshot. A headshot of me.
"Ah, you're finally awake, gave us a bit of a scare back there." Her voice was as emotionless as her face. "So we've cleaned up the mess you left back in Mexico and once you're discharged you're to get straight on a plane to Australia." I internally groaned, but didn't say anything. "Details will be in your bag and you'll be met at Sydney airport." She said. She closed the folder, stood up and just before she walked out she turned round. "Oh and Verity, this will be your last time with us."
Australia? Why am I needed there? And why will this be my last time? I didn't screw up that much did I?

Two hours later
I was discharged relatively quickly, I bent to grab my worn old backpack and winced as fiery pain flew across my chest. I would have to take it easier than I normally do. I headed out of the sterile, death holding hospital and into the yellow taxi that was waiting to take me to the airport.

I grabbed my new English passport out of my bag and read the name, "Verity Allstar", I'm surprised they used my first name for this one, I checked the plane ticket inside, yep I was going to good old Sydney Australia.

The plane was medium sized, but was relatively empty. Sitting on my empty row I took out a paper file from my bag. The first few pages were background on the group and then the evidence already gathered against them, the second part was how I fit in. My job was to gather evidence and intervene if required. So basically I was on boring surveillance, great, I can't blame them I did screw up in Mexico. The only benefit of this mission was that it was all happening at one location, Bondi beach.

My cover was simple, the adopted daughter of a British couple who was sent off to an English boarding school for all of her life. Her carers moved to Australia during term time so I was supposedly arriving after finishing the school year, ready for the summer.

I'm no longer actually in school, I finished three years ago and I'm in my final year of online university. Surprising for a sixteen year old I know, but I guess none of my life has exactly been textbook.

A/N: This is my first fan fiction so I would really appreciate any feedback. I'll probably end up editing this to make it better but this is what it is at the moment. I hope you enjoy!

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