Chapter 20

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The car pulled away and I watched the beach get further and further into the distance. I knew how this process would go and in about four days I would probably be on a plane going to another country, another life.

The car pulled up and I was pulled out and into the station. The fluorescent lights were harsh compared to the sunlight outside. The woman behind the desk looked surprised to see me, it must be my age, not many teenage girls are brought in for murder. I was searched before being put in a small room. It had a narrow window running along the top of the wall and a metal desk that was bolted to the floor. The chair was metal and was chained to the desk. The walls were marked with black and even had some spots of blood that had been bleached to try and erase them. I felt like a true criminal, but I guess that's what I was. I was a murderer. There's no sweet way to put it.

I waited for what felt like hours before the door finally opened. A tall man sat down in front of me and pulled out a recording device. "Please state your name." He said, his voice was monotonous. "Verity Allstar." I said, using my cover name, as I was taught. I would wait here and tell them nothing else until Mike and Sarah arrived.

The man continued to ask questions, but I ignored them all. "You have to talk to me so that I can help you. At the moment your going to jail for a long time, but that can change." I looked him straight in the eye, "I'm not going to jail." At this moment another man walked in and asked the interviewer to go outside to talk. A few minutes later the interviewer came back in. "It seems you're right, you're not going to be charged. You're one lucky girl." He said as he led me out to the front of the station. Mike and Sarah stood there filling in some paperwork. Mike looked up at me and nodded his head slightly before going back to the paperwork.

Before long we were back at the house and I was still in the dark about what was going to happen next. I decided that, because we hadn't talked since they bailed me out, nothing had changed and I was still going back to England. Now that the mission was over, I felt the relief of not having any pressure on me. I was happy to leave the missions behind, I could live life as normally as possible.

I had just finished putting everything in my suitcase when I noticed a photo on my bedside table. It was of me and the guys on the beach, it's the only photo where I have a genuine smile on my face. I couldn't leave without explaining, I had to let them know that everything was okay. I thought about it for a long time, wondering how I could tell them. My mind finally settled on a good old fashioned letter. I would give the letter to Hoppo and he could tell the others. I got out a pen and paper and started to write.

For the Bondi Lifeguards,

I'm sorry. There's no other way to put it. I didn't tell you the truth, but I think you know that. No matter what I say next though I want you to know that I've never felt friendship like I have with you, I've never felt like I belonged as part of a group, but you gave me that even though I've done nothing but deceive you.

So here goes nothing, this is the true me.

I wasn't at a British boarding school, I have been trained by the navy since I was eight and I have been an agent since I was twelve. I've traveled the world working for them. I came here on a mission, there were some black market deals happening at Bondi and I was tasked with stopping them. I guess everything after that makes sense. I was shot in my previous mission and that's the wound I had when I first met you. The guy I killed was a smuggler of chemicals, those chemicals would go on to form bombs.

I was surprised to get a job and I never expected to make friends that would care what happened to me. I wish I could stay, but I guess that's not an option for me anymore.

I think it would be best if you all forgot me and everything that's happened. I only seem to bring problems to those I spend time with, cliche I know, but true. So I guess this is goodbye.


A/N: how do you think they are going to react to the letter?

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