Chapter 1

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Before I left my house, I made sure to put on my sunglasses so no one would flip out like at my last school. 'Hopefully, nobody asks me to take them off.' I thought to myself. I ran out the door before my legal gaurdians could get the chance to wish me good luck on my first day.

I dropped my skateboard on the ground after putting on my black snap back hat and my hoodie over that. I started skating towards my new school, which took about five minutes. Once I got there, there were students everywhere. I walked into the school and found my way to the office. When I entered the office, I was greeted by a very perky principle. 'Oh great. My favorite type of people.'

"Hello, are you new?" She asked in her perky tone that I hated with a passion.

"Yeah. Victoria Stone." I said with the smallest amount of emotion possible. She started looking through a drawer of files and pulled one out with my name on it.

"Ah, yes. Your parents came in yesterday to get you applied." I tried not to cringe at the word 'parents'. My actual parents died two years ago in a car crash and left me with my legal gaurdians who thought I needed extra attention because I was different. "Here are your locker combonations and your schedule. You'll have to put your skateboard in your locker though. Can't have it in class." She handed me the folder and I walked out trying to find my locker but only got lost. I couldn't really see through my sunglasses anymore. I pondered the decission of taking them off and decided I should if I want to find my locker. I pulled off my sunglasses and put them in my backpack. I slowly looked around trying to find my locker number. I must've looked lost because some girl with sunglasses came up to me.

"Are you lost?" She asked. She was a petite little brunette.

"Yeah. A little bit."

"Ok, well what locker are you?"


"Ok. Right this way." She led the way and I noticed she was sort of dressed like me. Baggy pants, tanktop, hat, and skater shoes. Her shoes weren't DC's though. "Here we are."

"Thanks." I opened my locker and putt my board in.

"No prob. My name's Jamie. What's yours?"

"Victoria Stone."

"Cool name. Are your eyes golden? Cause if they are, that's so amazingly awesome."

"Yeah, they are. What color are yours?"

"One's green, and the other's blue. Yours are so much more cooler though. You should show Tyler your eyes. He'd absolutely love them." Finally, she took off her sunglasses revealing one eye that was a deep ocean-like blue and the other an emerald green. I was about to close my locker when she stopped me. "I think you would look better with that baggy sweatshirt off." I sighed and set my bag down. I pulled my hoodie over my head and tied it around my waist. I was wearing a black spaghetti strap tank top with 'BVB' on it in gold. I also had on a pair of army green baggy capris with black and blue DC's. Jamie was staring at my shirt with a look of confusion in her eyes.

"What are you staring at?"

"Your shirt. What's 'BVB'?"

"You've never heard of the Black Veil Brides? They're so amazing! I'll have to show you some of their songs at lunch."

"Oh, ok. What's your first class after homeroom?"

"Uh..." I took a look at my schedule to find my least favorite class in the world. "History."

"Oh! Same here! I can show you how to get there."

"Oh, ok." I slung my backpack over my shoulder and shut my locker. The bell went off and Jamie led me to homeroom. We walked in and saw that the whole class was already there. Everyone's eyes were on us.

"Jamie. You're late. Again." the teacher solemnly announced.

"I know. I was showing Victoria here how to get here. She's new, Mr. Watson."

"Alright then. Victoria, what's your last name?" He grabbed a note card and a pen. 


"Alright. Now, take a seat you two." He was avoiding eye contact with me and I was sort of happy he was. There were two seats left, but they were on the complete opposite side of the room. The class was pretty much seperated in half. The girls were on one side and the boys on the other. Jamie took the seat next to the girls so I could sit with the guys, my preffered seat. The girls were pretty much all girly-girls and cheerleaders, while the guys were...well, guys. When homeroom was over, Jamie and I went to my least favorite class ever. History. Let the most boring class in the world start...


I grabbed my headphones and Ipod before heading to the cafeteria to meet Jamie and finally be introduced to Tyler. I skipped grabbing lunch because I wasn't hungry, and grabbed a table outside to sit at. I waited for about five minutes before Jamie came and scared me while I was looking through my music.

"What the hell was that for Jamie?" 

"Nothin', just felt like scaring you." She started waving and yelling, "Ty! Over here!" She sat down with this guy that came up to our table. He had shaggy brown hair with dark brown eyes. "Tyler this is Victoria. She's new here."

"Hey, how are you?" We shook hands and I removed my headphones.

"I'm pretty good. You?"

"I'm good."

"Victoria, you wanted to show me some music, didn't you?" Jamie suddenly asked.

"Oh, yeah. Here. Just hit re-wind and then play." I gave her my headphones and Ipod. She used one side while Tyler used the other. They started listening to the music and bobbing there heads slightly to the beat. 

"That's an amazing song. Who is it again?" Jamie asked once the song ended.

"The Black Veil Brides. That was there song, 'Knives and Pens.' I love it. They have more songs, but I'll have to show them to you later. Gotta get back to class." I grabbed my stuff and went to go to my locker after saying goodbye to them. I put on my headphones and was looking through my playlists when I bumped into something solid. Or should I say someone. I looked up to see a handsome boy with hazel eyes and shaggy curly blonde hair.

"Sorry." I said and continues walking. I kept walking even though I could feel his eyes following me. The hallways were filling with people. Fast. I quickly grabbed my bag and textbooks from my locker and got to my chemistry class not wanting to feel like I was being watched any longer. When I entered the room, I saw the same guy I ran into, staring at me as I walked and picked out a seat. I knew his eyes never left the back of my head as I waited for Jamie, and it was making me uncomfortable. This was definately a strange day for me.

The Girl with the Golden EyesWhere stories live. Discover now