Episode one: Ridonculus Race

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Chris: Hello. I'm Chris McLean and ill be hosting another season. First of all. Here's the teams:
The Crazed Crocs:

The supreme snakes:
Anne Maria

The Eccentric Eels:

The Jumpy jaguars:


"First challenge is to climb this mountain just like in season 4." Chris says and points to a steep mountain. "You can use anything in this pile."


"Guys we are a team of athletic people." Geoff says. "lets just go straight to climbing." The snakes ran straight to the wall.


B ran to the pile and started building for the crocs.


"I found a jet pack." Samey said. "We can give it to Noah while the rest of us
Samey threw it at Noah but he wasnt looking and it hit him. "Hey I found a jet pack." he said.


"How do you climb again?" Lindsay asked. Duncan ran over to her, picked her up, and started climbing. The rest of the jaguars saw him and started climbing also.


B finished build his contraption and his team got on it. It shot up into the air.
"Weeeee!" Gwen and Courtney both yelled. They were the first one up the the mountain.


The snakes were halfway up the mountain when Anne had to stop and spray her hair.
"We have no time for that if you want to come in second." Jasmine said. Scott threw a rock at her hair spray and it fell out of her hand. Shawn caught it and threw it to the top. Anne shoved everyone down and ran towards the top.


The eels were in third and leonard said "I know a a way we can get second."
"How?" duncan asked.
"It will take about one minute." he started reciting a spell. Then Noah on a jet pack passed them.


The jaguars climbed past the eels and got up the mountain third. The eels fourth.


"Now it is time for part two of the challenge. A foot race to your cabins. There are four houses. One is a mansion with chefs and cooks and what not. One is a regular house with no cooks or chefs or anything. And the other 2 are just plain old cabins. The winners of every challenge stay in the mansion. The 2nd placers go in the house and the 2 last place teams go into the cabins. The team that comes in fourth votes someone off. On the way, you will run into four caves. Each team goes in one. And GO!" Chris said. Chris took a huge gasp of air.


The snakes started running and took cave 2, The middle sized cave. About half way through they lost Anne.


The jaguars took cave 3, the shortest cave. Noah got tired of running and had Eva Carry him.


The crocs took cave 1, the medium length. In the middle of the cave it split into 2. They decided to take the left path. It was the shorter one.


The eels took cave 4, the longest one.


"Where's Anne?" Bridgette asked when they got out of the cave.
"She's still in there." Geoff said. Then the snakes saw the jaguars run past them. Anne walks out of the cave.
"Sorry guys. I lost my hair spray." She explains. "Lets go!"


The crocs came out of the cave. They came in 3rd. The snakes 2nd and the jaguars 1st. The eels came in last. So they have to vote someone off.
"It's your fault for making us stop and use that 'spell'." Duncan said. "Wouldn't be surprised if you got voted off first."


After the challenge, leonard was trying to convince people not to vote for him.
"Come on beardo. Me and you were both on pahkitew. Don't vote for me."
"Wha. wha. whaaaaaaa." Beardo said.


"I have one marshmallow left. Lindsay, you didn't know how to climb and leonard, magic isn't real. The last marshmallow goes to....



Lindsay. Sorry leonard you're out."
"You have to catch me first!" Leonard said running away.

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