Chapter 2 - Meeting Paul McCartney

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Annabelle's P.O.V.

Riley and I went to all the shopping centers around town and stopped by the record shop last as promised. We looked around until we found The Beatles record Help! "There it is!" I said excitedly. I took it off the shelf and Riley did too. We're both buying our own copy.

After paying for our stuff, we exited the shop. Riley checks her watch. "It's 5:15. Do you wanna do anything else before I take you home?" She asked. I heard my stomach growl. "Let's grab something to eat. I feel hungry." I said. "There's a yogurt shop not too far from here. I'll buy us both one." Said Riley. "Okay. Can you get me strawberry?" I asked. "Sure. I'll be right back." Riley said. She walks off as I patiently wait for her to return.

An hour passed by. I wonder what's keeping Riley? I started to get a little antsy until I saw a man from a faraway distance. He was looking at me too. We slowly walked up to each other. As I got closer to this person, I noticed how his appearance was absolutely breathtaking.

"Hi." I said. "Hello." Said the man. Gosh, he's so handsome! But something struck my memory. That man I'm standing with is... is... Paul McCartney!!! Get it together, Annabelle! Don't frighten him! Anyway, I twirled a piece of my hair on my finger. "I... uh... I think you're handsome." I said. "Thank you. You're beautiful." Said Paul. "Thanks. You're Paul McCartney, right?" I asked. "I am. What's your name?" Paul asked. "My name is Annabelle. Annabelle Jones. Some people call me Belle for short." I said.

"Lovely name you have there." Said Paul. "Thank you." I said. "Are you out here alone? If you are, I'd be more than happy to keep you company." Paul said. "Oh no, I'm with a friend. She's buying us both yogurt, but I don't know what's keeping her. She's been in there for an hour." I said. "Oh. What's your friend's name?" Asked Paul. "Riley Lopez." I said. "Ah. Would you like to sit and talk while you're waiting? Take a few minutes to get to know each other?" Paul asked. "I'd love to." I said.

Paul and I sit down at the nearest bench as we make conversation. Paul notices the bag in my hand. "What's in the bag?" He asked. I reached into my bag and showed Paul what I had. "Wow! You bought our new record! Thank you so much!" He said excitedly. "I have your other records too." I said. "That's wonderful, Annabelle! You and your family must be big Beatles fans." Said Paul. "We certainly are." I said. Paul hands me the record back as I put it back in my bag.

As the two of us continue our conversation, we immediately got lost in each other's eyes. It didn't take too long for us to lean in for a kiss. Before our lips touched, I heard a voice calling for me. "Annabelle?" It was Riley. "I have to go." I said. "Was that your friend, Riley?" Paul asked. "Yeah. It was really nice meeting you, Paul." I said. Before I could stand up, Paul grabs my hand. "Annabelle, wait! Will I get to see you again?" He asked. "I hope so." I said.

I took a pen and paper out of my purse and wrote down my phone number and address. Paul writes his information down as well and we exchanged them. "Goodbye, Paul. We shall meet again soon." I said. Paul leans in and kisses my cheek. "Take care, love." He said. I stand up from my seat and started walking off. I turned back to Paul and waved to him as he waved back. I made my way back to Riley and her face lights up. "Annabelle!!!" She said excitedly. "Riley!!!" I said excitedly. "Guess what?!" We said at the same time.

"You first!" I said. "Okay, I apologize for making you wait longer than normal, but you're not gonna believe who I saw after I purchased our yogurt!" Said Riley. "Who?" I asked. "George Harrison!!!" Riley said excitedly. "No way!!" I said. "I swear, I was just leaving until he said hi to me! We talked for a long time and he asked me out at one point! I'm so excited, I might faint!!!" Squealed Riley. "Oh my god, this is awesome!" I said excitedly.

"Now what's your news?" Riley asked. "Guess who I saw while I was waiting for you to come back?" I asked. "I don't know, who?" Asked Riley. "Paul McCartney!!!" I said excitedly. "WHAT?!?! That's amazing!!!" Riley said excitedly. "We saw each other from a distance and talked for a little bit." I said. "Did he see the record in your bag?" Asked Riley. "Uh-huh. He sure did." I said. "What did he say?" Riley asked. "He was amazed. I even told him how I have the other Beatles records." I said.

"Did he ask you out?" Asked Riley. "Not really. Although we exchanged information in case we ever see each other again." I said. "That's a good start at least." Riley said. "And another thing." I said. "I'm guessing you left one part out?" Asked Riley. "Yeah. Are you ready for this?" I asked. "Hit me!" Riley said. "We almost kissed!!" I said. "No way!! That's amazing, Belle!" Said Riley excitedly. "He did kiss me on the cheek before I caught up with you." I said.

"Not bad. Here's your yogurt, by the way. I remembered to get strawberry like you wanted." Riley said. "Thanks. What flavor did you get?" I asked. "Blueberry." Said Riley. "Mmm! You're making me want a blueberry muffin!" I said with a giggle. Riley giggles back as the two of us eat our yogurt.

Paul's P.O.V.

After talking to Annabelle for a few minutes, I immediately felt as if I was falling in love with her. Even though we almost kissed, I know someday I'll get there. I watched as she and her friend chat and giggle with each other. While I was zoning out, I heard a voice behind me. "Hey, Macca." I turned around and it was John. "Hello, John." I said. "What are you doing?" Asked John. "I met this girl. Her name is Annabelle, and I've fallen in love with her." I said.

"Was she beautiful?" John asked. "No doubt about it. That's her over there." I said as I pointed in Annabelle's direction. And that other girl with her is probably Riley. "I see. Why don't you go talk to her?" Asked John. "I already did." I said. "And?" John asked. "We almost kissed." I said. "Wow! I hope you and her kiss at some point!" Said John. "I hope so too. Luckily, we exchanged information before she left." I said. "Good going, Paulie! That girl will be all yours in minutes!" John said excitedly. "Hopefully." I said.

John and I talked for a few more minutes, mainly about our new album that we're working on and what songs we'll write for it.

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