Chapter 8 - Final Days With Paul

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Annabelle's P.O.V.

I arrived back at Paul's house moments later. His door was slightly ajar, so I let myself in. The reason I decided to live with him for a while is because I wanna make his final days perfect, and he deserves to spend them with his girlfriend before he dies.

Anyway, after re-entering Paul's house, I saw him sleeping on his couch. It was starting to get late, so it was about time I get some sleep as well. Before going upstairs, I picked up a blanket and laid it on top of Paul. I leaned down and kissed his cheek. "I love you." I whispered in his ear. He smiled a little bit as he heard me say that, but he remains in a golden slumber.

I went upstairs to unpack my things and get myself ready for bed. Shortly after I got done unpacking, I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I then splashed some water onto my face. After that was taken care of, I went into the spare bedroom and put my pajamas on.

Right after getting under the covers, I couldn't fall asleep right away. My mind kept wandering back to Paul. I can't believe my boyfriend is dying! He's too young to die! But when that day comes, I wanna hold him at least one more time. I stayed awake until my eyes started to get heavy and finally went to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up and took a few minutes to stretch and rub my eyes. I got dressed for the day and went downstairs. Paul was starting to wake up as well. When he hears me approaching, he looks in my direction and smiles. "Good morning." I said. "I wish I stayed awake for when you came back." Said Paul. I sat next to my boyfriend and put my arm around him. "I don't blame you for feeling tired. You have every right to sleep as early as you want." I said.

Paul caresses my face. "You're so understanding, love. Thank you." He said. I caressed his face in return. "Are you sweating?" I asked. "A little bit." Paul said. "You feel a little warm too. Are you running a fever?" I asked. "I don't think so." Said Paul. "Let me check the medical directory and go over the symptoms of tuberculosis. I know an uncontrollable cough is one of them." I said. Paul nods as I retrieved the book. I scrolled through until I found tuberculosis.

"Okay, let's see, symptoms include chronic cough sometimes with blood, chest pains, chills, fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, malaise, night sweats, or sweating, loss of muscle, phlegm, severe unintentional weight loss, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing, and swollen lymph nodes." I said. "Well, it appears that I have a few of the symptoms. The cough, once in a while with the blood, shortness of breath, only when I'm coughing, and night sweats." Paul said. "And possibly fever." I said.

I closed the medical directory and put it away. I then walked up the stairs to grab the thermometer. I walked back downstairs afterwards. "I don't think I have a fever, but it wouldn't hurt to check." Said Paul. "True. Now open up." I said. Paul opens his mouth as I put the thermometer in. It beeps after a minute and I read the result. "Well?" Paul asked. "98.6 degrees. No fever." I said.

Paul wipes his forehead with relief. He then had another coughing fit. When he tried to breathe, all he did was gasp for air. He puts his hand on his chest while he continued to cough. I quickly picked up a tissue and handed it to him as he puts it up to his mouth. Once again, there was a bloodstain on the tissue. I throw it in the trash afterwards.

"I think you could use some fresh air." I said. "I think you're right." Said Paul. I picked up a blanket for us to lay on, and the box of tissues in case Paul needs them again. We then make our way outside to enjoy the fresh air.

Riley's P.O.V.

George and I decided to go for a walk on this beautiful day. We then spotted two people sitting on a blanket. It was Paul and Annabelle. "Hey, George, do you mind if I stop and say hello to Annabelle?" I asked. "Not at all, love." Said George.

We walked over to Annabelle and Paul. They looked up when they heard us coming. "Riley, hi!" Said Annabelle. "Hi, Belle. I've got great news for you." I said. "What's your news?" Annabelle asked. I looked at George and he nods. "George and I are dating now!" I said with a smile. "Wow! That's great, girl! I'm so happy for you both!" Said Annabelle excitedly. "I asked her after you two left the ice cream place." George said. "Well done, mate." Said Paul.

"Riley, can I talk to you in private?" Annabelle asked. "What for?" I asked. "I'll explain in a bit." Said Annabelle. She looks at Paul and he nods. "Go ahead, love. I'd like to have a private conversation with George anyway." He said.

Annabelle's P.O.V.

I took Riley into Paul's house so I can talk to her. "What's going on?" She asked. I hesitated before I could get my words out. "It's about Paul." I finally said. "What about him?" Asked Riley. "He's... he's sick." I said as my voice cracked. I was on the verge of tears already. "He looked fine when I saw him." Riley said. "No, he's dying!" I said. "What?" Said Riley as her eyes widened. "He has tuberculosis." I said.

"Oh my gosh, Belle! I'm so sorry! When did you find out?" Riley asked. "Yesterday. He didn't wanna tell me at first when I saw him violently coughing two days ago." I said. "Why?" Asked Riley. "He was afraid that I'd break up with him." I said. Riley moves in to give me a hug. "I'm here for you, girl." She said. She rubs my back as I start to let my emotions out. "I love him, Riley! I don't wanna lose him!" I cried.

"How much longer does he have?" Riley asked. "He told me that he'll probably die in a few weeks or a month." I said. "Awww." Said Riley. "When his time of death comes, I just wanna hold him in my arms." I cried. "I'm sure he'd want that." Riley said. She continues to comfort me for the next few minutes.

Paul's P.O.V.

I told George about my condition and he stares at me with wide eyes. "Does Annabelle know?" He asked. "I told her yesterday. I wanted to tell her the minute I had the symptoms, but I was afraid I'd lose her." I said. "I'm sure she was upset, but I wouldn't think that she'd break up with you." George said. "I thought she was going to, but she didn't." I said.

Annabelle and Riley return a few minutes later. "Riley, dear, are you ready to get going?" Asked George. "Yes, George, I'm ready." Said Riley. She gives Annabelle a quick pat on the back before leaving. "Thanks for the comfort." Said Annabelle. "You're welcome, Belle. Stay strong." Riley said. She and George leave a minute later as Annabelle sits back on the blanket next to me. "Belle is my shortened name, by the way." She said. "I kinda picked up on that." I said.

I suddenly started coughing again and couldn't breathe. I picked up a tissue and coughed into it as more blood came out of my mouth. After a few more coughs, I continuously gasped for air and put my hand onto my chest. "Are you okay?!" Annabelle asked worriedly. "Can't... breathe..." I barely said through a croak. "Let's get you inside." Said Annabelle. I nod as we walk back into the house. Once we walked in, I fell to my knees and fell forward, but my hands broke my fall as I held myself up.

Annabelle bends down to my level as I started panting, put my hand on my chest again, and sat on my knees. "What happened?" Annabelle asked. "My chest hurts." I said. "Maybe you should lay down for a few minutes." Said Annabelle. "You're right. Before I do, there's something I'd like to do." I said. "What's that?" Annabelle asked.

I stand up and help my girlfriend to her feet. "I know this has been a hard few days for you, but I absolutely appreciate having you by my side during my condition. To say thank you for sticking with me through and through, there's something I just have to ask you." I said. I get down on one knee and pull out a tiny box. "Paul... I... I don't know what to say!" Said Annabelle.

"Annabelle Kylie Jones, will you marry me?" I asked. "It may be brief, but my answer is yes." Annabelle said. I take the ring out of the box and slip it onto her finger. We share a quick kiss in honor of our engagement. Annabelle then brings me over to the couch and I lay down as she stays by my side the whole time.

"Darling, can I ask a favor?" I asked. "Of course, Paulie. Anything." Said Annabelle. "When I finally succumb to the tuberculosis, will you please hold me as I die?" I asked. "That's all I ever wanted to do." Annabelle said.

I smile at my girlfriend's words and caress her face. Eventually my eyes started to feel droopy as I fell asleep.

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