Chapter 10 - Finally Succumbing

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Annabelle's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning with every inch of my body trembling. It's not because I'm cold, it's because I keep thinking about the dreadful day Paul dies. Even though it's still unknown, I'm doing the best I can not to think about it. No matter how many times I try, the thought of it still comes back to haunt me. Come on, Annabelle! Get your act together! Stop thinking about the negative, and focus on the positive! You have a husband who's in need of your care! Go to him!

Anyway, I went downstairs and saw Paul, who's just woken up. "Good morning." He said. I walked over to him and kissed his cheek. "How'd you sleep last night?" I asked. "Well, I had coughing fit in the middle of the night, nothing more." Said Paul. "I must've missed it." I said. "Oh no, don't worry about it. I didn't wanna wake you." Paul said. "Aww, Paul, you're so sweet! But I wouldn't mind, honestly." I said.

Paul's face lights up. "You wouldn't?" He asked. "Of course not. You're my husband and I love you. I'd lose an hour of sleep for you any day." I said. Paul smiles and kisses my cheek. "What did I do to deserve you?" He asked. "For one thing, you're the most handsome man I've ever met. And another, the way you serenaded me during our first encounter, it took my breath away. I love you, Paul McCartney. You're my man and always will be, even though you'll be gone soon." I said.

Another smile appears on Paul's face as we wrap each other into a hug. "I love you too, my dear Annabelle." He said. Our hug lasts for a few more minutes before letting go. "It's a nice day outside. Are you up for a walk?" I asked. "Yeah. I may have tuberculosis, but I won't let it stop me from spending time with my gorgeous wife!" Said Paul. He goes up to his room and changes into a pair of clean clothes. When he comes back down I smile at how he's dressed.

"Didn't you wear that in Help! as well?" I asked. "Yes I did! I'm so glad you remember that!" Paul said. We take each other's hands as we walk out the door. I stopped right after we walked down the steps. "Dang it!" I said. "What's wrong, love?" Asked Paul. "I forgot about breakfast!" I said. "Oh." Paul said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Aren't you hungry?" I asked. "Um... I kinda lost my appetite." Said Paul. "Aww, I'm sorry, sweetie." I said. "That's another one of the symptoms of tuberculosis, remember?" Paul asked. "Right! It said so in the medical directory." I said. Paul nods. "You can grab something real quick before we go, if you want to." He said. "On second thought, I think I'll have a quick drink of water." I said. "Go ahead, sweetie." Said Paul.

I give Paul a quick kiss before going back inside to get some water. I chugged the whole thing at once. Afterwards, I went back outside to find Paul standing in the same spot he was when I went inside. "Ready?" I asked. "Yeah, just give me a second." Paul said. He broke into a less violent coughing fit, pulled a tissue out of his pocket, and put it up to his mouth. When he pulls it away, there wasn't any blood. "That didn't sound too bad." I said. "Usually the violent ones make me cough up blood. The non-violent ones, not so much." Said Paul.

I take the tissue from Paul and throw it in the trash can. We started on our walk afterwards. "I meant to ask, when did you first get the tuberculosis?" I asked. "It was a few days before I met you. I couldn't stop coughing uncontrollably. So I went to the doctor and took a test. The result was positive, and they told me that I'll live as long as five weeks or a month." Paul explained. "I'll bet it was scary." I said. "It was. I couldn't stop crying after I got home." Said Paul. I gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

"I'm so sorry." I said. "It's nobody's fault. It is what it is." Paul said. "I'd be scared too if I had a short amount of time to live." I said. The two of us stopped walking for a moment and faced each other. I noticed how Paul had tears rolling down his cheeks. "Ever since I've gotten tuberculosis, I keep thinking about how every day of my life is the last." He said through his tears. "Oh, honey. I know you're scared, but try not to think about it so much." I said. I put my hands on Paul's cheeks and wiped his tears away. "Ready to head back?" I asked. Paul nods without saying a word.

The two of us make our way back to our house. After walking up the steps, I noticed how Paul was sweating more than usual. I remembered that it was another symptom of tuberculosis. "I know you're not hungry, but are you feeling thirsty at all?" I asked. "Yeah. I could use a glass of water." Said Paul. I opened the door and the two of us went inside. I walked into the kitchen to get some water for Paul while he walked into the living room.

Suddenly, Paul leaned his head backwards. He then let out a huge gasp a minute later. I heard it and quickly turned around. "Paul!!!" I cried. Paul started heavily panting and gasping for air a few times. After that, he broke into the most violent coughing fit that's even worse than the last few. "Paul, what's wrong?!" I asked worriedly. But Paul didn't say anything. He just kept coughing. "Are you okay?!" I asked in a panic as I ran over to him just as he collapses into my arms and continues gasping for more air.

"Paulie, sweetheart, what's wrong?" I asked. Once again, Paul didn't answer me. He coughed a few more times and let out another huge gasp. Eventually, he stopped coughing. "Oh dear god!" I said quietly. It suddenly dawned on me that Paul was finally succumbing to his condition. He looks up at me with a sad expression.

"I'm gonna call for help." I said. "No. Stay with... stay with me... please." Paul said weakly. "Paul, I have to call 911." I said. "No, don't... don't leave. I need... I need you." Said Paul. "I know, darling." I said. "Annabelle..." Paul said as he was about to cry again. "Shhh. It's gonna be okay. I promise." I said as I caressed my husband's face, which is already freezing cold. "Annabelle, I... I..." Said Paul weakly. "It's okay. Just look at me, and keep breathing." I said.

Paul lifts his trembling hand and I hold it. "I've... I've finally got... my wish." He said. "I did too, Paulie. I just wanted to hold you at least... one more time." I said as I'm on the verge of tears. "And... I wanted you to hold me... in your arms... while I die." Paul said. I sniffed as his quiet voice got even quieter. "I wish you didn't have to die like this." I said. "I know, Belle. But there's something... I want you to remember. Come closer." Said Paul. I leaned closer to my dying husband. "I'll always be with you." He said as his voice faded. "I'll always love you, Paul. Always." I said with my voice trembling.

Paul gives me a weak smile. I watched as he took his last breath and his eyes slowly closed. "Paul?" I said. I gently shook him, but he didn't move. "Paul?" I said again. I shook him again, he still didn't budge an inch. I checked his pulse, but it stopped. "No! He's gone!" I cried. I immediately broke down, kissed Paul's lips one more time, and pulled his lifeless body close to me as I cried harder than ever.

My Paulie has finally succumbed to his tuberculosis and died in my arms. How will I ever go on without him?

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