Chapter 3 - Falling In Love

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Annabelle's P.O.V.

Riley drops me off at home. "That was fun. Thanks for the ride." I said. "Anytime, Belle. Let's hang out again sometime." Said Riley. "Definitely." I said. Riley drives away as I enter my house.

My parents greet me once I'm inside. "Hello, sweetheart. Did you have fun with Riley?" Asked my dad. "Yes, Dad, I sure did." I said. I reached into my bag and pulled out the new Beatles record. "Wow! You got the Help! record!" Said my mom excitedly.

My siblings come rushing down the stairs. "Annabelle bought the new Beatles record?!" Asked Abigail excitedly. "Yes I did, Abigail. Take a look." I said as I hold up the record. "Oh wow! This is so going on the shelf with our other Beatles records!" Said Nathan excitedly. I nod with a smile and put the record on the shelf. "What else did you and Riley do?" My mom asked. "We got some yogurt and told a few exciting stories." I said. "Such as?" My dad asked. "Everybody on the couch." I said.

My family sits on the couch as I explain what happened. "Okay, sis. Let's hear the juicy details!" Abigail said excitedly. "I wouldn't call it 'juicy', Abby." I said. "Then what's this about?" Nathan asked. "Patience, Nathan." Said my mom. "I met Paul McCartney!" I said. "Seriously?!" Asked Abigail excitedly. "Honey, that's spectacular!" Said my dad. "Was he nice to you?" Asked Nathan. "Oh, he was more than nice. He was so sweet!" I said.

"Awww!" My family said. "He even kissed my cheek before we said goodbye." I said. "Oh my gosh, you two just met and now he's in love with you?!" Abigail asked excitedly. "Hold it now, Abigail. Let Annabelle finish." My dad said. "Sorry, this is just so exciting!" Said Abigail. "What else happened?" Nathan asked. "Well, Riley told me that she also met one of The Beatles while she was getting our yogurt." I said. "Which one?" My mom asked. "George Harrison." I said.

My whole family gasps. "Wow! You're so lucky, sis!" Said Nathan excitedly. "I'm officially jealous of you! I wanna meet a Beatle as well!" Said Abigail. "Which one do you wanna meet, Abigail?" I asked. "John Lennon. I love his cheeky sense of humor." Abigail said. I nod at my big sister.

Paul's P.O.V.

I decided to go for a walk while it's still light outside. I'm also carrying my guitar case. While I was walking, I notice Annabelle sitting on her front porch. Maybe I should say hello to her, and that's just what I did.

"Hello, Annabelle." I said. "EEEK!!!" Shrieked Annabelle. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." I said. "Oh, Paul. I didn't hear you come over." Annabelle said. "I'm glad I found you. I have a song that I'd like to sing for you." I said. "You do? I sure would like to hear it." Annabelle said. I nod as I tune my guitar. Once it's tuned, I start to sing my song.

I've just seen a face
I can't forget the time or place
Where we just met
She's just the girl for me
And I want all the world to see
We've met, mm-mm-mm-m'mm-mm

Had it been another day
I might have looked the other way
And I'd have never been aware
But as it is I'll dream of her
Tonight, di-di-di-di'n'di

Fallin', yes, I am fallin'
And she keeps callin'
Me back again

I have never known
The like of this, I've been alone
And I have missed things
And kept out of sight
But other girls were never quite
Like this, di-di-di-di'n'di

Fallin', yes, I am fallin'
And she keeps callin'
Me back again

Fallin', yes, I am fallin'
And she keeps callin'
Me back again

I've just seen a face
I can't forget the time or place
Where we just met
She's just the girl for me
And I want all the world to see
We've met, mm-mm-mm-di-di-di

Fallin', yes, I am fallin'
And she keeps callin'
Me back again

Fallin', yes, I am fallin'
And she keeps callin'
Me back again

Oh, fallin', yes, I am fallin'
And she keeps callin'
Me back again

After I finished, Annabelle had tears of joy in her eyes. She stands up and wraps me into a hug. "I loved it!" She said happily. "Thank you." I said. After Annabelle releases me, we lock eyes. "I'm in love with you." I said. "So am I. I've known it ever since we almost kissed earlier today, and when you kissed my cheek." Said Annabelle. In return, she kisses my cheek. I then caressed her face.

"I'd like to take you out sometime." I said. "How about tomorrow?" Annabelle asked. "That sounds wonderful, love. We'll have to go after sundown though. I'm needed in the studio during the day." I said. "Okay." Said Annabelle.
I leaned in and kissed her forehead.

"Good night, Annabelle." I said. "Good night, Paul." Annabelle said. As I went on my way, I couldn't stop thinking about the girl of my dreams, Annabelle Jones.

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