Chapter 9 - A Bittersweet Marriage

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Annabelle's P.O.V.

Paul and I got married a few days later. We wanted to have our wedding right away because of Paul's tuberculosis. He even said that it's best if we remain home instead of going on a honeymoon after we got married. I understood because too much excitement could be hazardous for his health.

Anyway, a few weeks have gone by and Paul's condition started to get worse. That's when it hit me! He did say that he'll finally succumb to that awful sickness in a few weeks, or later.

Today, I woke up this morning to check on my husband. His appearance killed me. He was white as a sheet. "Hey." I said. "Hi." Said Paul. I sat next to him and caressed his face, but yanked my hand away. "Wow! You feel hot!" I said in shock. "At the same time, I'm shivering." Paul said. "I'll get you a blanket." I said. I went upstairs and grabbed my blanket that I brought from home, along with the thermometer.

After getting back downstairs, I put the blanket down first. "Are you checking my temperature too?" Asked Paul. "Yeah. Ready?" I asked. "Uh-huh." Paul said. "Open up." I said. Paul opens his mouth as I put the thermometer in. While I wait for it to beep, I pick up the blanket and wrap it around Paul.

After the thermometer beeped, I read the result and I froze. "What does it say?" Asked Paul. "You have a fever this time." I said. "Oh no." Paul said quietly. "Why don't you lay down?" I said. Paul nods and does what I asked. I went to the bathroom, grabbed the washcloth, ran cold water on it, and folded it up. I went back downstairs and put the washcloth on Paul's head as he quietly moaned in response. "You don't feel good, huh?" I asked. Paul slowly shakes his head no. "Unfortunately." He said. "Get some rest." I said. "Yes ma'am." Paul said quietly as he closed his eyes.

There's a knock at the door. I opened it and stepped outside. It was Paul's songwriting partner, John Lennon who knocked. I know that face anywhere. "Hello, Annabelle." He said. "John." I said. "Can I ask you a question?" Asked John. "Of course." I said. We sit on the front step.

"George told me and Ringo that Paul has tuberculosis. Is that true?" John asked. "I'm afraid so. He doesn't have much longer now." I said. "That's awful." Said John. "What'll this mean for The Beatles?" I asked. "Well, we're gonna have to disband after Paul dies. I refuse to go on writing more songs without him." Said John. "I was afraid of that." I said. John nods.

After a little while, John leaves. Shortly after that, I feel another presence next to me. A hand touches my shoulder. I looked up and saw Beatles drummer, Ringo Starr sitting right by me. "Annabelle, right?" He asked. "Yes. And you're Ringo Starr, drummer for The Beatles. Am I right?" I asked. "You are correct." Said Ringo.

"I'm guessing you heard about Paul having tuberculosis too?" I asked. "Yep." Ringo said. "How far along are you guys on your new album?" I asked. "We're done, actually. We released it before yours and Paul's wedding." Said Ringo. "Oh. I better make sure I buy it." I said. Ringo smiles and pats my back before saying goodbye to me.

I walked back inside and saw Paul still laying down on the couch, but his eyes are open. I walked over to him and took the washcloth off his forehead. "Did that good amount of sleep make you feel a little better?" I asked. "Yeah." Said Paul. I pushed his damp bangs away from his eyes and kissed his forehead. "You'll never know how much I'm gonna miss you after you die." I said. Paul sits up and pulls me in for a hug. "I'll miss you too, sweetheart. I'll never stop loving you, no matter where I am." He said.

After we pull away, Paul kisses my forehead. "I'll never stop loving you either, Paulie." I said. Paul stands up from the couch to get some water, but he starts to stumble. He falls onto the floor, landing on his rear end. I run over to him and bend down to his level. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah. It was just a head rush." Paul said. "I hate that. Having blood rush through your head, annoying!" I said.

I stand up and hold my hand out for Paul, helping him up. "That's better, thank you." He said. He then felt another coughing fit coming. I grabbed a tissue, handed it to him, and he holds it up to his mouth, coughing even more violently than the last time. Eventually, he fell back down to his knees. "Paul, don't you dare!" I cried. Before I could react again, Paul slumped forward onto the floor once again. My gosh, he's very close to succumbing his condition!

I rolled Paul onto his back and he was once again unconscious. "Paul?" I said while gently shaking him. He didn't move. "Paul, come on! Wake up!" I shook him again, but a little harder. Still no movement. I thought of a better idea. I grabbed the washcloth from the table and re-wet it from the kitchen sink. I walked back over to Paul, rang out the washcloth, and all the water sprinkled onto his face. I saw his head move and his eyes struggle to open after that. Eventually, they did.

"You good now?" I asked. "Yeah. Thanks, Belle." Said Paul. I smiled. That's the very first time he's called me by my shortened name. He sits up as I bend down to his level and wrap my arm around him. "Do you feel okay to sing me a song?" I asked. "I think so. I shouldn't have another coughing fit after the one I just had a few moments ago." Paul said. We give each other a quick kiss on the lips before getting off the floor. Paul grabs his guitar, tunes it, and finally sings.

One day, you'll look
To see I've gone
For tomorrow may rain, so
I'll follow the sun

Someday, you'll know
I was the one
But tomorrow may rain, so
I'll follow the sun

And now the time has come
And so, my love, I must go
And though I lose a friend
In the end you will know

One day, you'll find
That I have gone
But tomorrow may rain, so
I'll follow the sun

Yeah, tomorrow may rain, so
I'll follow the sun

And now the time has come
And so, my love, I must go
And though I lose a friend
In the end you will know

One day, you'll find
That I have gone
For tomorrow may rain, so
I'll follow the sun

As much as I loved the song, it immediately made me think about how Paul won't be here anymore, whenever that'll be. "Oh, Paul! It's a great song, but the thought of you being gone soon hurts! I wish you still had more time!" I cried. Paul puts his guitar down and wraps his arms around me. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I love you. You know that, don't you?" He asked. "I do. And you know that I love you too?" I asked. "Of course." Said Paul.

I stayed in Paul's embrace for the rest of the day. I know that eventually will be the last time I'll ever get to be with him. Soon enough, I'll be holding him in my arms while he dies. So I'll have to enjoy his company while I still can.

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