Who has a crush<3 Roxanne

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Mark as Riccardo Mora

A new day, the same routine but today I refrained myself from sticking my middle finger to the sun because it matches my mood. When I get downstairs, I find my dad talking to Lash on the front door. I walk under his right arm which is holding the door open. He lets fall over my shoulder and gives my hair a kiss.

"Morning dad." I say.

"Morning sweetheart. I was just talking to your friend, she told me that you guys already met before?" I look at Lash who is staring at us with googly eyes, the way I do when I see something cute or sweet. Which is not too often.

"Yeah, we went out together this weekend." I let out the lie as my father does not need to know about my "date"

"Hi Roxanne."

"Hi Lashanda, are you ready?"

"Yeah, let's do this."

My dad walks back inside the house, I'm about to follow Lashanda to the car when he calls me.

"Don't forget your lunch." I walk back to him and take the lunchbox from his hands, giving him a kiss on the cheek before I make my way to the car. 

I see Mrs Robertson waving at someone behind me; probably my dad. However, my attention is diverted to the guy that I saw on Saturday. He sitting in the front seat next to Mrs Robertson looking down at his phone. I open the back door to sit next to Lashanda. The guy looks at the back when I close the door and smiles at me.

"Hi." I say in a shy voice, not failing to smile back at him.

"Hey, I'm Mark."

"I'm Roxanne." We don't say anything else as we stare at each other until Lashanda clears her throat.

"Mark is my brother by the way."

"Nice to meet you." I say to him.

"Likewise." Realising that I didn't greet Mrs Robertson, I do SO it instantly. My father would throw a fit at the lack of my manners.

"How are you today Roxanne?" She says while starting the car.

"I'm fine thank you." We make our way to school with Mark on his phone, completely oblivious that I am staring at him like a creep. Lashanda doesn't notice because she is too engrossed in a conversation with her mother.

When we get to school, we say our goodbyes to Mrs Robertson.

"I will meet you here at the end of the day." She tells us and then drives off, leaving the school premises.

I am the one to break the silence as we are walking in the corridor.

"Guys, I am going to the toilet for a minute, I will meet you in class." What's wrong with me? They don't know where the class is. " The room is the last door in the corridor to your right."

When Lash and Mark are about to leave, Kel and Johnson arrive where we are. Kel stares at Lashanda as if she was nothing but a piece of trash littered where its not meant to be and that pisses me off.

 Kel removes her focus from Lashanda and brings it to me. What shocks me is she doesn't say anything to me, she moves on to look at Mark who is now standing next to his sister in a protective stance. I can't help but notice how tall he is compared to everyone else, even taller than Johnson. 

I know that its wrong to measure masculinity based on height, its toxic but...to hell with it. I'm not actually hurting anyone by thinking.

Johnson starts looking from his girlfriend to Mark, catching on what is happening. He takes his girlfriend's hand and pulls her to our first class. I guess someone sees the threat.

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