Who is plotting<3Roxanne

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Wednesday. The day of revelation. The revelation that Lash was bribed with popularity by Kel; who does that? I'm not mad that she traded me for popularity but I am mad that she put up a picture that she was a kind person. I thought she was smarter to be one of the goons; this is disappointing.

Yeah, that's the phrase: I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed. That's not the worst, Kel and Mark are prancing through the corridors with their hands linked. 

They don't say anything when they arrive where I'm standing in the corridor next to the door of my first class, which is maths. Where is Johnson then?

 Trying hard to ignore all the drama, I find myself staring at the wall, waiting for Mrs Pearson to arrive. Speak of the devil, she makes her way to the door and unlocks it. As we get in, she says something that stops me in my tracks.

"Please get your homework out that I assigned on Friday." Homework? We had homework? Friday? That must have been when I was busy in the dreamland.

"First, its the daydreaming; now the homework. What's next?" She asks when she gets to check if I had done mine. You giving me a detention is what's next?  

Guess what?

I do get another detention. I don't get it though; I always do my homework and that makes me a nerd to my peers. The only time I don't do it, I become a rebel to the teachers. People will always be against everything you do to be honest.

Finishing all my lessons, I go to my detention. No one calls me names like before. This is very odd, I realise that no one has been mean to me today. Kel didn't even talk to me, maybe its because she is too occupied with Mark.

"Hello Mr Wills." I say as I sit down in the front roll and then I hear giggles. I knew this was too good to be true, I turn my head around to see what they are laughing at and I see that I'm not their target this time. 

Its actually Johnson who entered the room, so I pull my nose out of their business.

"Hey Roxanne." Now he knows my name, wow. Things change. I ignore him and he takes a seat next to me. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the other day."

I'm not some kind of friend rebound. No thank you. Is there even anything such as a friend rebound?

"I didn't mean to do it, I just wanted to be her boyfriend." My head turns on its own accord, almost getting a whiplash. Okay , don't lie to me, that caught my attention as it did yours.

"What you mean you wanted to be her boyfriend?" He hesitates for a moment before he tells me.

"She said that if I did what she told me that weekend, she would become my girlfriend." Oh wow. Did  I get the storyline of high school movies wrong? I swear this never happens. Interesting.

 he rest of the detention is in silence, not even Kel and her crew are talking.

As I am about to make my way out of the room, Johnson holds my wrist and pulls me back to him.

"What is it?" I ask irritated, I don't want to talk to him and touching me is just feeding my anger.

"Let me make it up to you for what I did to." I'm about to say no but I give it a second thought. He is right, he needs to make it up to me.

"Be at my house at 5."

"What if I don't know where your house is?" He asks in a playful and I smirk at him.

 "You are the Johnson after all." With that, I make my way out of the room, leaving him alone.

While I'm walking, I see Lash, Kel and her goons sitting on the bench outside the school but Mark is not there. I try my best to walk past them quietly but we all know that the universe is never on my side.

 They don't say anything to me again, only whispers. Something is happening. Is this the calm before the storm? Checking to look if they are following me; I see no one.

After something like twenty minutes, I get to my house safely but I spoke too fast. I take a whiff of the air like a dog when I enter the corridor; something burnt.

"Hello! Is anyone here!"

"No!" Of course, Andy. Who else burns things in this house.

"What did you burn this time?" I say when I find him sitting in the lounge.

"If I tell you, you won't laugh?" He says whilst laughing himself and I already know he did something stupid.

"I won't." I honestly say knowing that whatever he is about to tell me isn't going to be amusing.

"So, I was doing an experiment, I was trying to see what happens if you put cornflakes without milk in the microwave." Last time it was an apple, just to let you know. He wanted to defrost it because it had been in the fridge and was too cold to bite because his teeth are sensitive.

I only shake my head as I can't find anything to say. I go to my room and change into my short red pyjamas and a white crop top. I hear the door bell ring after some minutes and by the time I make it to the door, Andy is already there. You won't believe what I see.


What does he want?

"Hi." I say, pushing my way past Andy and he leaves to go back inside the lounge where I bet he is busy listening to our conversation.

"Hi, can I come in? I want to talk to you." He doesn't seem happy; almost as if he is hurting but I can't do this. They always bring excuses that will mess up your way of thinking.

"I'm sorry but I am expecting someone." Johnson.

"Oh, that's fine. Let me give you my number so that we can talk some other time." Do I really want to do this? I would have been rejoicing if it hadn't been the people that he associates with.

Not wanting to be mean, I tell him to wait as I got to fetch a pen and a paper so that he can write down his phone number. When I come back, instead of only Mark, Johnson is now standing next to him.

Is it already 5pm?

"Oh, hey." I say to Johnson as I hand Mark the paper and pen.

"Hey." We all stand there in awkward silence,  with Mark and Johnson glaring at each other.

I clear my throat and tell Johnson to get into the house. "Is he your friend?" Mark asks when he is done staring at me and I just shake my head no.

 He nods in understanding and jots his number down on the paper before leaving.

When I enter my room, Johnson has found his entertainment by looking at my bras and nickers drawer.

What the hell?

"Hey! What are you doing?" In seconds I had closed the drawer, almost removing his fingers in the process.

"Calm down, this is not the worst I've seen." Back to the cocky Johnson, I see. I ignore him and sit on my bed; patting next to me as an invitation. When he sits down, I tell him the reason why he is here.

"Its simple really, you want Kel and I want Mark. We use jealousy to separate them so I suggest that we fake date." I sound psychotic, don't I? 

"Okay, do we start now?"

"No, we start in 10years." I sarcastically say, rolling my eyes but my attitude is toned down when I feel his lips on mine. He was asking because he wanted to do this? I'm not complaining.

I surprise myself when I sit on his lap, with my knees on either side of his thighs. His hands squeezing my a**. He lies on bed making me fall on top of him and I let out a moan. He spins our bodies so that he is now on top of me with my legs around his waist, about to remove his shirt.

Thats when I hear it, a knock. F***

Let's not act like this story is PG13

I feel like I'm on fire for typing these chapters in one day.

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