Who is jealous<3 Roxanne

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I swear my brother isn't as nice to me as he is portrayed in this book. Lmaooo

By the time I get home, I feel drained. I find Andy sitting in the lounge watching the Netflix TV show, YOU.

"Hey." Andy says but I can't find it inside me to reply after what happened today, even when  lunch ended, Lash still didn't say anything to me so I ended up walking back home.

"You're such a hypocrite, you always tell me that its rude to give your back towards someone when they are talking to you." I go back in the lounge to sit next to him on the couch. I need to talk to someone or I will end up exploding with all these feelings.

"Do you remember that I told you I met our neighbour in Malvern?" He nods his head, I had only given him a brief of the story so that I wouldn't relive that crappy day

"Her name is Lashanda and she has a brother called Mark. We were doing just fine when they picked me up this morning but after lunch everything went down south. I'm scared that Kel told lied to them about me." I verbalise my thoughts, trying to think of anything that I have done that would make me lose potential friends.

"That is awful, if they make decisions based on rumors then they don't deserve being your friends. But you know I will always be there for you so don't worry yourself too much, you probably dodged a bullet. You know the way to my office if you need anything." I laugh at his last statement.

By office, he is referring to his scruffy, crammed and smelly room; nothing about that room says office.

"Thank you." He never fails to make me laugh, I stand up to go and change into my clothes but Andy calls me.

"Dad told me a message for you but I'm forgetting." Then why is he telling me that?

"Why are you lying? Dad is at work."

"Well, I have a phone unlike some people and its used for communication." The side effects of not having a phone are starting to show, I need to ask dad for some money soon.

"I swear its on the tip of my mind." He says with a thoughtful expression. It changes to the one of revelation faster than you can say fast.

"Yeah, Cait and Robbin will be coming this weekend."

"No way!"

Finally, some good news , Cait is my favourite cousin sister and we are both fifteen years old. The difference is, she is not as boring as me, we are polar opposites. She is very outgoing; always looking to have fun and she is talented in the department of fashion and make up.

"Okay, I'm going to leave you to your daydreaming. I'm going out."


I go upstairs to my room and sit on my bed while looking out the window. I see Lash and Mark walking towards their house. Didn't their mom pick them up? Or maybe they stayed behind at school with Kel and her friends; I decide to discard the last theory because they wouldn't befriend a bully. Would they? 

Up close, I can see that Mark doesn't seem as happy as in the morning but Lash is still...Lash? I quickly wear my long maxi skirt and a white top that my mom bought me two years ago. I run to Lash's yard before she enters her house.

"Hi Lash." Mark stops in his tracks, acknowledging my presence with a smile again but this time it doesn't reach his eyes. He walks inside the house and shuts the door behind him.

"Hi Roxy." Lash says and I transfer my attention back to her.

"Are you okay?" I ask referring to what happened today at school.

"I'm good, how about you?"

"I don't know, how about you tell me what happened at school today?"

"What happened?" She shrugs at me as if she didn't know that she spent half of the day ignoring me.

"Why were you acting like I was irritating you when I asked about your brother and Kel?" I am so out spoken these days.

"What is this about? Your little crush? Because if it is then I am sorry to tell you that Kel beat you to it." At least she noticed that I had a crush on her brother.

"Partly, Mark can go out with Kel at his own risk but this is about you acting like we are not friends."

"Kel was telling the truth then. You do have jealousy issues."

"How can you say that when you know what she is like?"

This is the sole reason why I don't try to make friends at my school. They are too overrated and childish; they don't know where their loyalty lies or who they are. One second they are very kind and then the next they are taking other people's perspective of you into consideration.

"In this situation, its safe to say that I do know what Kel is like but what about you?" You don't know what I am like either. It's wrong and hypocritical of me to try and feed her information about Kel but at least I am telling the truth.

"Right, I don't have time for this so I'm just gonna go away." I say as I start making my way out of their gate.

"I couldn't agree more."

And this is the part in the movie where your only friend is manipulated or threatened by the mean girl. And I have to find out a way to save her.


This book is one of those which are badly written but the storyline is too addictive to stop. I'm trying my best to change some parts from the original version but I am also trying not too change too much to the extent that the storyline changes. Poor me.

Ily- N xoxo.

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