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You felt your eyes open but it was still pitch black, "did I fall asleep?" You asked yourself.

You started to hear noises, you turned your head to the sound.

You tried to move your legs and arms, there was the sound of screams next to you.

"What are you doing to us!" You recognised the voice, you called her name, you heard footsteps come over to you.

You felt rough hands on your face, you wish you could see who it was, just then there was a scream of bloody murder.

It made you jump, "Y/n, run RUN!!" Screamed the voice before all went quite.

You stilled your breath just to wait to hear anymore screams, "jeez bakubro did you have to scar her face so much that she wouldn't be recognisable."

"Not my fault!" You started to move more even if the thing around your skin stung.

You felt the thing on your face came off, you opened to be face to face with a scarred up face.

A face so completely messed up that you couldn't tell who it was at first, the only thing that was intact was the brown hair.

You noticed that brown hair, "h-hana, Hana" you called her name over and over again.

She didn't even move, her skin was half ripped off at a side of her face, she was missing her middle fingers.

There was blood going down her closed mouth, tears started to fall, you felt sick to your stomach.

You felt a hand on your shoulder, you jumped at the touch.

You turned your eye to see the man from the cafe, "hey! Red riot your girlfriend's awake!"

The sound of a door opened, you turned your head to see the hooded man from before, you felt yourself felt.

You saw his teeth like grin, "good morning beautiful" the hooded man said taking off his hood.

His hair was fully black with some red tips, you wanted to move back but the man beside you kept his hand tight on your shoulder.

You looked back over to Hana, I'm gonna end up like her!! You felt even more tears come out.

"Please don't kill me!, Please I'm still young, I'm not even a hero-" you were stuttering all over your words.

All you got back was a laugh, you looked up to notice the man Infront of you had red eyes.

"My dear I don't want to kill you, it's just my friend beside you went a bit rough on your um friend there."

You couldn't look at Hana's body again, if you did you would definitely throw up, "if you don't want to kill me then what do you want?"

"You of course~"

You felt your blood go cold, okay maybe I have read to much fanfics or did he just say that he wants me? You thought.

The man started to get closer, he sat Infront of you, "I can't watch this anymore." The man said next to you letting go off your shoulder.

"Okay king tell Shigraki we won't be long." The man sat Infront of you said.

The door closed leaving you, the creepy man and Hana's corpse, your breathing started to become heavy.

"Dear it's okay calm down, deep breaths" he put his hands on your shoulder.

Just then his hand turned sharp, you started to scream and closed your eye's.

You pulled your eyes up to your head, you waited a minute before realising you could now move your arm's.

You looked to see he had cut the rope, he had a smile upon his lips.

"Your scared face is so cute.." you started at him for a second, the fuck did he just say! You thought.

The man grabbed your hand to stand you up, "oh! I almost forgot my name is Kirishima~"

|Next chapter: the league|

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