Home With Him

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Kirishima carried your unconscious from your managers house to both of ours and Kirishima's old house.

He placed you down on the freshly new made bed, "I can't let her go back to that place." Kirishima touched your warm cheek.

He sat on the bed next to your unconscious body, "I'm probably gonna get in trouble for this." Kiri laughed to himself.

Kiri layed behind you as he wrapped his arm around your body, "ah who cares if I do get in trouble." Kiri put his face into your neck.

He closed his eyes, "good night darling.."

|In the morning|

Your eyes started to twitch, you ope ed your eyes and looked around, "my managers room looks different-" you quickly sat up as everything came back to you.

A strong arm pulled you back down in the bed, you turned your body to come face to face with him.

Kirishima was still fast asleep, you took a deep breath and tried to get him off you.

But he kept a hard arm wrapped around your waist, "get off me.." you push off his arm and roll off the bed.

You look around to see all the doors had been taken off and been replaced with bricks.

The only door remaining was the bathroom, you quickly rushed to see the window had been nailed shut.

You stepped back before using your shoulder to smash the window but nothing happened.

The window pushed you back, you fell onto your butt, a noise from the bedroom made your blood turn cold.

He is awake.

You quickly tried to push the door close but nothing happened, you noticed the door had also been sticked down by nails.

You heard the bed squeak, the sound of his voice made your blood turn cold, "Darling.." you quickly escaped from the bathroom.

He stared down at you, "oh there you are." Your hands clenched onto your pajamas that you was wearing.

He reached his arm out to your face, you jumped away at his cold touch, "Darling?" He grabbed your arm and pulled you forward.

"Why did you jump away from me?" You looked down at the floor, you took a deep breath as you placed your hands on his chest and pushed.

"Don't Touch me!"

Kirishima raised his eyebrow at you, "what wrong with you?" You took a big step away from him.

"Don't call me that name! You are a monster for killing Hana and my manager! The only people in my life who actually cared about me!"

Kirishima was taking a back before laughing again, "you make me laugh darling."

He reached for you again, "I only killed them because they were in my way of getting to you!" You gasped.

You ran at him and smacked him, "you prick!" Kiri smiled creepy at the slap, "I love when you get a back bone and not be a lifeless doll!"

You took a ran for the door, Kiri watched your body go to the door, "I wouldn't try it my love."

You lifted your elbow and ran at the door with it, Kirishima sat back on the bed and crosses his arms.

"Your just gonna hurt yourself." You kept trying before looking down to see your elbow bleeding.

Tears started to fall down your face, Kirishima looked up at the sound of you crying.

You had never show any emotion to him like this, he quickly got off the bed and grabbed your face.

"Don't cry my darling~" you bit your lip and lifted your arm to punch Kirishima in the face.

He quickly grabbed your arm and twisted you so your back was to his front.

"Aww was that fake tears to get me closer?" You tried to shake him off, "when will you understand that you can't fight me?"

You grabbed his arm and planted your feet as you used up the last bit of your strength and managed to throw Kirishima over your shoulder.

He came down with a thud, you smirked to yourself, your body started to remember the self defense lessons your father made you take when you was 5.

Kirishima gasped before laughing to himself, "never knew you could do that." You grabbed him by the collar.

"You will give me the keys to the front door and let me leave!"

Kirishima pushed himself to his feet, "and how will you do that?" You smirked to yourself.

You started to laugh, Kirishima looked confused at your sudden laughter, "My manager's husband was a police officer, they wanted to make sure if I went missing again they could find me."

You lifted your hair to see a healing chip in your neck, Kirishima's face turned cold.

"A tracking chip."

"They are probably on there way here or maybe even outside this house!" Kirishima quickly ran to the windows.

The street was empty, Kirishima laughed, "Are you su-" he was saying before a glass vase was smashed over his head.

Kirishima fell to the floor clutching his head, you grabbed the vase and threw it at the window as the glass smashed.

You ran past Kirishima, you grabbed the curtains to help yourself down, you felt a tug as you looked up to see a bloody Kirishima.

You tried to wiggle yourself off the curtain, there was still a few feet with you and the floor.

"Don't you dare!" Your fingers leg go of the curtain as your feet slammed into the grass.

"Arg fuck, that hurts!" You grabbed your ankle and tried to get away, Kirishima jumped from the window and landed Infront of you.

Your eyes widened, "Last time won't happen again!" He grabbed your wrist and pulled you up causing you to scream in pain.

"Let me go!" Kirishima placed you on his shoulder, you banged on his back, "Ejiro let me go.."

Kirishima went still at his first name, he looked at you on his shoulder, "what did you just say?"

"Ejiro Kirishima.." Kirishima took you off his shoulder, he held under your head and knees.

You watched as the blood dripped from Kirishima's head, you reached your hand to his cut that you made.

His red eyes looked down to yours, "I'll say this for the last time, LET.ME.GO!"

|Next chapter: Running|

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