Safe And Sound (Final)

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You can finally sleep easier, it took a whole month to stop you from waking up at 3 in the morning have nightmares.

You mixed your sugar in your tea, a knock on your door made you freeze in your seat.

Your dog had lifted his head, he ran to the door and started barking.

The door opened just to see the mail man, you sighed and held your dog back, "Sorry about him."

The man shook his head, "it's fine don't worry just sign here." The man gave you a pen.

You wrote your name before he bowed and left you, you looked down to see a box.

Bob went back to his dog bed, you patted his head, "Good boy." You had bought him as a guard and service dog.

You placed the box down on your table as you tried to remember if you had bought something online.

"Let's see what it is." You grabbed scissors and cut off the tape.

What was Inside the box made your hands sweat, you got out of your seat.

You quickly ran to bob, "come on boy lets go for a walk." With his lead on you both got out your house.

You picked Bob up and put him in the car, "we need to get far away from this house."

The car started as you drove out of your drive, Bob barked at you, "not now Bob!"

You looked around the roads constantly, a beeb made you jump as you turned in your seat to see a woman throwing her hands in the air.

You stepped on the pedal and moved.

You looked around for a place to stop, you notice the beach was only a few minutes away.

You turned onto the road leading to the beach.

|At the beach|

The sun was shinning over head, you stretched your arms and let out Bob.

He was off lead as he stood right beside you, you pointed at the sea.

"Go be a real dog for the day." You told bob as his tongue came out before running off to the sea.

You put on your sunglasses and tried to forget what was in that box.

You heard some barking as you turned to see bob falling over in the sea.

Bob was breathing heavily, you patted his head.

"Having fun?" You wished that bob could speak back to you.

Your thoughts went to Hana as tears went down your face.

Bob put his head on your shoulder trying to comfort you.

You sometimes think that bob is a reincarnation of Hana.

Bob licked your face trying to get rid of your tears, "thanks Bob." The tears had dried up by Bob as you rolled up your pants.

"Come on bob let's go, I'll race you!" You ran into the sea.

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