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 You heard the sound of his voice, you didn't want too.

You turned your head to see his signature smirk, shit, shit, shit! You thought. All might turned to Kirishima.

All might put his arm infront of you, you turned towards the window and opened it.

You looked out the window to see pro hero's everywhere.

You started to smile, I'm finally gonna be safe, away from him.

The sound of a gasp made you turn your head, your eye's widened.

Your hands felt shaky, you covered your mouth, you grabbed onto the window handle.

"Let me out, let me fucking out!" You screamed banging on the window to the pro hero's.

You felt your body being pulled back by strong hands, you screamed for help.

You thrashed around, you felt cold lips on your neck, you tried to turn your head away.

"Where are you going, darling?"

You felt tears go down your face, you turned your head to see all might on the floor.

His neck had been snapped, you mouth went dry, no, no, no!

You felt your body go numb, Kirishima picked up your body.

"We got to go darling."

You didn't want to listen to what he whispered into your ear.

You felt the cold air on your skin, you hugged to the only warm you could find.

Even if you didn't want to, you felt Kirishima rub your back as the wind hit your face.

You didn't want to open your eyes to see the devil holding you, you just wanted to have your eye's closed forever.

Sadly your wish didn't come true as you opened your eye's, the surrounding wasn't a place you knew.

You looked around to see a bedroom full of white and black colours.

Your finger tips felt the fluff of the bedding cover, you looked down to see that you wasn't wearing the same outfit from before.

The sound of the wooden door opened, you lifted your head from your new clothes to the door.

There he stood, the devil himself smirking at you, you wanted to punch that look of his lips.

"Good morning darling."

You got up and out of the bed and walked past him, on the hallway was two doors.

One of those doors lead to the bathroom. You thought grabbing the handle and turning it.

The door didn't budge, "this is the bathroom right?" You asked still looking at the door.

You heard a 'yes' behind you, you felt his body, you turned around but still didn't look at him.

You moved to the over door and opened it, once you were inside you locked it.

You placed your back against the door breathing heavily, you heard and knock and then your name being called.

The bathroom wasn't as big as you thought it would be, there was a mirror on the side of the wall.

You were tempted to look at yourself, to see what that monster had done.

You closed your eyes as you stood Infront of the mirror, you opened your eyes slowly, only for you to gasp.

There in the mirror stood the broken down shell of a doll, your eyes had a dull like colour, your hair was a mess.

There was bruises and cuts all over you, the only thing nice on you was Kirishima's clothes.

Your eye caught something behind you, you turned your head to see a sink and a first aid box.

Your mouth felt dry, you need to eat something, you couldn't remember when you last ate.

Hell you couldn't even remember what day of the kidnaping it was, you opened the box.

You placed the plasters and bandages all over your body, there was also some painkillers at the side of the sink.

You filled a cup of water and drank the tablet, you swallowed, fucking hell, what I'm I gonna do? You thought to yourself.

You forgot the noise at the door, you unlocked the door to find no Kirishima in sight.

You sighed thankfully, you looked towards the door you couldn't get into, I wonder what's so special about that door? You thought.

You walked back to the bedroom since there was no other place to go, you sat and pulled the covers up to your lap.

The door handle turned making you turn your head, there he was with a tray and a cup.

"You hungry, darling?"

You said nothing but nodded your head, he only smiled and placed the tray on the covers.

You looked down to see a plate full of sweet treats, and at the side was a cup of milkshake.

You reached for it to take a bite, the taste in your mouth made you close your eyes and smile a little.

Kirishima sat down on the bed next to you, you felt his hands on your cheek.

You stopped eating, your eye turned to look at Kirishima, your skin turned cold.

You got goosebumps, he sat up and walked back to the door, you watched him leave.

Your eyes went back to the food, you got a flash of hana's gruesome body. You kicked the tray away from you.

You felt you were gonna throw up, you looked to the curtains. You stood up and pulled the curtains apart.

Out the window all you saw was a brick wall, you tried to open the window.

The window didn't move, 'he probably did it so the same thing wouldn't happen again.'
You looked around, "who the hell are you!" You shouted.

The sound of fast footsteps came to the door, you quickly turned to the door to see Kirishima.

You backed up to the window, Kirishima looked around, 'he's Probably looking for who you was shouting at.' the voice did a little laugh.

Kirishima walked up to you and grabbed your arm, he pulled you along. He pulled you out the door and to the room you couldn't get into too

The door opened to see a staircase, Kirishima pulled you along with him, "how strange." You whispered to yourself.

|Next chapter: somewhere new|

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