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"So, nightstar, eh?"

Leila groaned and fell onto the bed. "This is the third time you've asked," she groaned, her voice muffled from the bedsheets.

"We're just curious. We haven't heard nightstar before," the twins said in sync as they sat on her bed, the bed creaking at their weight.

She sighed and sat up. "My first name means night, both because my parents like the night and I was born at night, and andromeda is a galaxy - also the name of my aunt."

"Wouldn't you be nightgalaxy, then?" Fred asked.

She laughed. "My mum said it doesn't flow the same."

Shrugging simultaneously, the twins said, "Fair point."

Leila smiled and leaned onto Fred's shoulder. "I like having him back. They look so happy together," she whispered.

"Sirius already looks years younger. He's very handsome - those mugshots did not do him justice."

She snorted and hit George. "Don't let my mum hear that. Are you trying to steal my father away?"

He winked at her. "Maybe I ought to have visited you more."

"Thanks for the birthday invite by the way," Fred said sarcastically, swatting Leila gently on the arm.

She blushed and looked down. "I'm sorry! I would've invited you guys but it's my dad first birthday with me in a while and...I really wanted to have some family time."

The twins snorted and said in sync, "We're only joking. We're only a little bit upset that we haven't seen you all summer."

Leila rolled her eyes jokingly and shoved them lightly. "Well, you'll be glad to know that this summer I took dancing lessons and got to spend a lot of time with my dad, thank you very much."

"Dance lessons, eh? For what?" George smirked.

"Actually, I'm not sure, my mum just told me it might come in handy sometime soon."

"Fred! George! Leave Leila alone! She has to rest!" Molly called from downstairs.

The twins sighed before turning to Leila. "She's still upset with us for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes."

"Why? It's great you two are so focused on what you want to do, is it not?"

"She's only upset because we didn't get as many OWLs as she expected."

"Well, OWLs don't really matter if you're going to open a joke shop," Leila joked.

"Fred and George Weasley!"

Leila winced at Molly's tone and turned to the twins. "You ought to go downstairs, she does not sound happy."

The twins huffed dramatically before getting up and going downstairs loudly, leaving Leila in the room alone. Leila leaned back into her bed and pulled out her book to read while she waited for Hermione and Ginny to return from the garden. She got through a good few pages when she was interrupted by light knocking on the door.

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