Chapter 18

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"I asked Clarke if he'd seen the necklace-- you know, basic detective stuff. And you know what he said?" Millie explained to Leo who was now sitting on his bed beside her.


"He said he had it yesterday."

"Which would be impossible," Leo interrupted, "because you had the necklace the entire time, and before that, Amelia."


"He fits the criteria for our prime suspect to a T. Great work and I don't mean that sarcastically."

"I can't believe I'm saying this," Millie paused, "but you were right about the lead."

"So I take it that you told Kaycee then. What did she say?"

"I haven't told her yet. But I will today. It's gonna be hard but it's best she hears it from me."

"I'll hold you to it. Now that that's taken care of, why don't we get out of here?" Leo clasped his hands.

Millie nodded and Leo helped her to her feet.


"Don't mention it," Leo smiled.

The house was empty as they walked downstairs and through the living room. All signs of Chase were gone.

Slipping on her sneakers, Millie breathed in the evening air and headed down the porch steps.

The sun, halfway through its descent dipped behind the mountains, casting a light glow on the town. The scent of freshly cut grass grew as lawnmowers were retrieved from garages and flowering hedges were slightly trimmed.

An ice cream truck drove past, parking at the end of the cul de sac, drawing a large crowd. All around her, the neighbourhood was teeming with life.


Millie turned around.

"I said 'we', didn't I?" Leo jogged to where she stood, a grin pasted on his face. "I think you need a break."

"Really?" Millie tucked her arms under one another. "Because I think I need to get home. It's almost 6."

"You have time to go home later. It's summer. We can do whatever we want. Come on," Leo insisted. "I don't know about you but I'd rather look back and know I did something fun and didn't follow all the rules so much."

"But you follow the rules all the time!" Millie laughed.

"I know. Which is why I'm the perfect person to tell you that you need to get out and do something. I have quite a lot of firsthand experience."

"That's not something I would brag about. But seriously if it means that much to you, I'll take a break."

A warm breeze brushed past them and Leo quickly ran inside, grabbing a jean jacket.

Millie ran her fingers down her pink floral dress, smoothing any traces of wrinkles before opening the camera app on her phone and doing a once-over of herself.

"Ready to go?" Leo said, startling Millie who nearly dropped her phone.

"You haven't told me where we're going."

"I know."

"So are you going to tell me?"


"Why not?" Millie said.

"I don't feel like it," Leo held out his outstretched hand, pausing for her to take it-- which she didn't.

"Can I at least get a hint?" Millie nudged him slightly as they began walking down the sidewalk.

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